Sensory Range (Mage)

May 17, 2006 13:47

Corey had a question about sensory range for mage...

[13:28] Draco0205: heya, I have a question about Mage
[13:30] Draco0205: could a Mind mage use Sense Consicousness to cast magic at something he couldn't see at sensory range?


[13:44] Payback1130: Here's how I'll rule: Sensory range is capped at 200 yards (p. 114). A spell like Sense consiousness acts on all minds within 200 yards (this applies to any spell which adds a sense, but not to ones that enhance senses--it doesn't apply to Mage Sight, for example). Then if you have Sense Consciousness on, you can target something you sensed as if it was at sensory range.
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