Ah, customer service.
Jess came into the back room today with the phone.
"I have a funny story for you," she said.
Sinking feeling.
So this guy came into the store with his 3 3-year-olds and he rented a movie. The kids saw the candy display and begged daddy for a chocolate bar. Dad decided he could get them one to split between the three of them. BUT! Oh, he noticed the sign. $1.19 each or 3 for $1.98. But...he didn't want 3. He asked if he could get one chocolate bar for the combo price and Jess told him no. He said that was silly since he didn't want to pay $1.19 for one when he could get 3 for $1.98. And he didn't want 3! He wanted 1!!!
***side bar*** When you complain about asinine crap like this at your local store, whatever incarnation that store takes, the person behind the counter does not give a shit farther than, "will this complaint go on long enough to interfere with my break/will this person get verbally abusive so I can kick their ass out of the store?" And no, the complaint will never be brought to the attention of someone who can actually control pricing. That's a lie...it WILL get mentioned like this: "so, this ass-hat came into the store today... ***end side bar***
Anywho, most people, when told the price of a chocolate bar either choose a) to get it b) not to get it. This man took the road less traveled and decided to throw a wobbler in the store and then take my card so he could complain to, "the management," by phone 5 minutes after he left the store.
So, Jess holds up the phone and offers to tell the guy that I've gone home for the day, but I was feeling contrary, so I answered.
"Thank you for holding, Heather speaking, how-can-I-help-you?"
The guy launched into a long-winded explanation of his horrific experience at my store, the harrowing ending of which was that he left chocolate-less because we refused to give him the combo price for one. He was worried about giving each of his kids their own chocolate as they would be, "bouncing off the walls." He told me that because of our, "ridiculous policy," we were, "informing consumer behaviour," as we were forcing them into buying 3. Never mind that full price is always $1.19, regardless of any combos we may be running, never mind that he could buy 3, save 2 for later, AND save money, and never mind that he was wasting everyone's time and making an ass of himself, he "worked in consumerism [whatever that means] and therefore knew I was scamming him.
"I'm sorry sir, but the prices are set by--"
"I don't want you standard answer!!! I don't want some line you feed everyone."
Damn. He got me there. That IS the line I feed everyone because I am incapable of telling customers anything true that isn't first vetted by THE CORPORATION, and secretly I maliciously over-price chocolate bars in an attempt to make 3-year-olds bounce off walls! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!
"Sir, I can see that you're frustrated, but--"
"I am NOT frustrated!!!" [huh...could have fooled me] "I am trying to offer a suggestion to help make your business better!!!"
"Well, sir, thank you for your suggestion."
He...he hung up on me!
And then I started laughing. And then I shared with my co-workers, as he'd made such a scene that they were curious to know the fallout.
Seriously, I can't fathom what brought that on. And if he's so set on writing letters to make things better (oh, yes... I still have the letter he's writing to look forward to), then perhaps he should try Head Office. Or Nestle. Or someone who gives a rat's ass.
Am I just crazy? Is $1.19 really worth getting that worked up over? I seriously don't get people.