Yaaay! First icon post of the year! I hope this is going to be a well-inspired and creative year for me (and hopefully LJ will still be here in a few months.. ). This post includes icons for those who have left me their interests (not for all of you yet, just some that I have finished already. I just felt like I finally should post something:D) and icons I made for challenges and my unfinished batch for 20inspirations:
TV | mainly Doctor Who, Misfits, Game of Thrones, The Walking Dead, Queer as Folk, Sherlock, Nikita
+Miscellaneous shows, music, etc.
Interest icons pt.1
I tried to make 3 icons per person instead of 5 and used what I could work with best. There are some single icons for some of you, which means you will get the rest in the other post. I just felt like sharing them with you already since I don't know how long it will take me to make the rest. Sorry, but I hope you're okay with that :) I apologise for those that didn't turn out so well. *all sharable
wildpages (alternates below)
beatsagain /
calyupsos (alternates below)
Challenges & 20inspirations
Doctor Who: (including unfinished 20insp batch) :(
Game of Thrones: (tons of alternates ;D)
Misfits/Harry Potter/The Walking Dead/Lost/Justin Timerblake: