Oh, I never have time to write. But the ELE as done as it's getting now. So shall we freejam for a bit? Methinks yeth. And then some sleep
Sleep is a key part of any essential life porcess because without it one slowly starts to move slowly and think little by little less clearly such that they do stupid things every so often like oh panicking when no housers or boxers are at intime and trying to run a quipfire show by oneself instead of actually calling them up. But they were and everything sort of worked out. Too many good albums, given how I picked up even more today, and at some point I will roll back to the postal srevice, since I have learned that I am not the complete indie rock kid that I have been trying to make myself into although I do indeed talk about CDs more than most anyone that I know. So this has just been a broadening experience but not much else. ABEL is a terrible thing that is impossible to install so I can't in fact finish the assignment because I can't test my code but I have had an enjoyable time writing it and listening to Radiohead and The Smashing Punpkins. The whole problem with life is that now is the time for achievement and dedication. I accidentally I think seriously offended Odubs, so she should get an apology email before I go to sleep. Still don't know where I stand with certain things, but these will be taken care of. Anyone who acts like it is impossible to dance to Radiohead is foolish. Terrace F. Club is still keeping their lawn parties band under wraps, which means they either have no one of significance or someone highly supercool. It's not that I don't want to see Maroon 5 by any means, it's just that I have grown less fond of their music since I first heard it, and into a more indieish child than I was then. I likes my pop but I also feel vaguely disturbed by the whole concept of a band having singles no matter how important they are. I want time for some real writing. And some real garageband working. If I could get a mic I would just like to ty freestyling into it in a Beckish and general faux-beatbox fashion and then splice it into something. Did not win the iTUnes competition by any closeness, nor expected to, but am vaguely annoyed by the person who won the popular vote not because they were planning on (should they win) giving the iPod to their girlfriend, but because they packed that into their song's blurb itself, thus promoting their music on what I consider to be a completely cheesy schmaltzy thing. A good song in any case but it seems like it also turned an entirely romantic and cute action into something tinged with the goal of suckering votes from the innocent. Browsed some of my early LJ entries today and wa impressed by the way that the styles of the old entries are echoed in those of other people on LJ. Ridiculous. I wish I had closure on this year but it keeps going because of large projects which feed straight into exams, so even though I have been done with classes for an entire day I can't say that I've felt it. All I really want are the answers that aren't coming, and that probably isn't right either. There is a solution to world hunger and it's the creation of a bold new philosophy which will suck all people together into an unstoppable mass which will aproach the hole concept of ourselves ina new way such that the best thing any of us can do is smile at ourselves about our own ideosyncracies. It seems as if the important thing in my plays is to come to firmer grips about what I want them to achieve. I think that sounds about right,ag[ijgoagkffgflg..!@!!EeartgagergdlkL! That was satisfying. Still have CDs to burn and letters to write so I should get on that but not right now be forwarned however. Also should generally tie up all loose ends, because one leaves so many. One meg of messages in my inbox, most of which are probably long pasty any useful benefit. Ridiculous. But oh, dean's date loving is coming up and how I will enjoy it. Did you know there are pearls in one's toes? I can't really come up wth anything better than "The stars are on fie. I want to make you understand / show you" and that is blatantly stolen. How can one assume the form of awe? I think that is inherently the nature of stream of consciousness, that people automatically associate intensity with stream of consciousness so if one simply does not ponder about death or really if one does the natural assumption is of one's coming to a deeper understanding of the self, which is always good. KArma police, take me away it is that moment just before the start of a song's vocals where all you can do is wait. The thing which annoys me about pitchforkmedia is that numerous reviews contradict other reviews and it is clear that theese are all just independent writers trying to express their personal opinions of things. I don't mean to be talking about music, but it is what comes to mind when I go into a rush and come into a stall. This is a sign that it is a time for sleep, which means the awkwardness of getting back into the bed without waking the sleeping roommate. I wish I was a mighty DJ who spun fine beats and could mix people's souls on the fly, with a secret identity as a controversial, profound, and humorous wrter of words who broadened peopl's horizons with a paragraph or five laid bare on the page and who, by night, was a coder of unsurpassed excellence with a complete understanding how to write the finest and most fantastic operating systems and graphical systems. While I am here I would also like to have a house built into a coral reef and loaded with secret passages. Sometimes it seems as if the most important part of the passage of time is the narrowing of possibi;ites. I would also like to go hiking everyday. Spent five minutes this afternoon outside with my special asian manfriend as he pondered whether or not he should take his optional language final for the chance to up his grade to A-. THis is an important issue and it will be exciting to know what he decides. I am deciding to sleep, which is what I will go do.. Freejam over and pizizeace it izout.