Have you....
(x) played Spin the Bottle?
(x) Toilet Papered someone's house
(x)Played Strip Poker
(x) Gone swimming in a white T-shirt
(x) Gone swimming naked
(x) Been tickled so hard you couldn't talk
(x) Like(d) someone but never told them
(x) Went camping
(x) Had a crush on your brother's/sister's friend
(x) Had a crush on your friend's brother/sister
(x) Walk in the rain without an umbrella
(x) Told a joke that nobody thought was funny
() Been in a talent show
(x) Worn something your mom didn't appove of
(x-i wasnt nude though) Been to a nude beach
() Drank jack daniels
(x)Cursed in a church
() Burnt yourself with a curling iron/straightener
(x) Wanted to be a police officer
(x) Dumped someone
(x) Been hit on by someone too old
() Wanted to be a model
() bought lottery tickets
(x) Made out in a car
() Had sex in a car
() cried during a movie
(x) Wanted something you couldn't have
() Had sex on the beach
(x) Seen someone shoplift
(x) Hung up on someone
(x) Yelled at your pet
(x) Yelled at your TV
() Tried to strip when drunk
(x) Gotten seasick
() Had a stalker
(x) Played a prank on somone that had them really scared
(x) Been embarassed by one of your family members.
() Felt bad about eating meat
() Protested.
(x)Been to an island
() Been in love
(x) Ate just because you were bored
(x) Screamed at the top of your lungs just to scream
() Made out with a stranger
(x) Been Dumped
(x) Wished a part of you was different.
(x) Asked a guy/girl to dance.
(x) Laughed so hard you cried
()Laughed so hard you peed
(x) Went up to a complete stranger and started talking
(x) Been sunburned
(x) Kicked a guy in the nuts
(x)Threw up in school
(x) recieved an anonymous love letter
(x) Had to wear something you hated
() Been to a luau
() Saw your ex and wanted to kick his/her butt
(x) Cursed in front of your parents
() Been in a commerical on tv
(x) Been out of the country
(x) Been honked at by some guy/girl when you were walking down the sidewalk.
(x) Won at pool
() Been lost out to sea
() Cheated on your bf/gf
()been cheated on
() Been attacked by bats
(x) Been searched in an airport
(x) Been on a plane
(x) Been pantsed
(x) Thrown a shoe at someone
(x) Broke someone's heart
(x) Sung in the shower
(x) done something really stupid that you still laugh about
(x) Been walked in on when you were dressing
() Ran out of a movie theatre because you were too scared of the movie
(x) Been mean to someone then instantly wanted to take it back
(x) Been given a detention on the worst day that you could get one
() Done something stupid when you were drunk
(x) Fell off your roof.
(x but i missed it) Had a deer jump in front of your car
(x used to - drums) Play an instrument
(x)Been in a band
(x) Ever given an autograph
() Sang in front of over 250 people
Can you...
() unwrap a starburst with your tongue
(x poorly and only around a select few) Sing
(x) Open your eyes underwater
(x) Ice skate
() Sing in front of a crowd
() Be a meanie at times
(x) Do thirty pull ups
(x) Eat super spicy foods
() Touch your nose with your tongue
() Fall asleep easily in the car
() Surf
() Fit in your locker
() Do a split
(x) Taste the difference between pepsi and coke
() Tie a knot with a cherry stem with your tongue
(x) Slept all night in a bed with a person of the opposite sex
(x) Slept all night in a bed with a person of the same sex
(x) Slept for more than 12 hours
() Missed a week of school or more-
() Put chapstick on more than 5 times in an hour
(x) Kissed more than one person in a day
(x) Eaten a worm
(x)Jumped on a trampoline
(x) Ridden a unicycle
(x) Done something special for someone else
() Paid more than $50 for food at a fast food resturant
(x) Got caught for cheating on a test
(x) Talked on the phone while going to the bathroom
(x) Brushed your teeth while on the phone
(x) Written a poem
(x) Randomly called people out of a phone book
(x) Been on a yacht
(x) Put bananas in your cheerios
(x) Lied to a friend to make them feel better
() Dated someone more than 2 years older than you
(x) Eaten frosting out of the original container
(x) Had a dream about a friend
(x) Fallen in public
() Had your pants rip-a-big-one infront of you
(x) Recently had a PB&J sandwich
(x) Have your parents meet your principal
(x)Killed an animal
() Been prescribed to 3 or more medications by a doctor
() Wished you were an only child
() Used your friends razor without them knowing
(x) Been unproud of a decision you made
(x) worked for a family member
() Been told you were too young
() Kissed a friend, then their best friend
(x) Been to a concert.
(x) Gotten away with a lie to your parents
() Been dumped the night of a dance and left with out a date
() Been cheated on
() Gone out with a person one of your parents set you up with
() Hated to admit you are wrong
(x) Ridden on a shopping cart
(x) danced in a Mini Mart
() Worn a tiara
() Been in a play
(x) gone to church/temple more than 2 times in a week
(x) copied more than 30 CD's in a day
(x) Made a movie
(des scene count?) Dressed "gothic"
(x) Worn 2 or more layers of clothing
() Been to California
() Lived on a house boat
(x) Swam in clear blue water
(x) Sat in a doctors office with a friend
(x) Run across 6 lanes of traffic
(x) Made fish lips
(x)Hit on a waitress/waiter
(x) Taken pictures with a stranger
(x) Been to Busch Gardens
(x) Made a public speech
() Been on television
() Choreographed a dance
(x) Felt used
(x) Made a smoothie or milkshake
(x) Had fun at work/school
() Watched Desperate Housewives
(x) Watched a movie/TV Show so often you could quote every word.
() Listened to an old NSYNC or Backstreet Boys CD more than once in a day AFTER they were popular.
() Kept something from a past relationship
(x) Given someone else flowers
(x) Taken a foreign language
() Gotten to school at 6:15 in the morning
(x) Laughed for no apparent reason
and that is that.
saturday went a lil like this...
woke up at 8 or so, mums was having people over so i got outta the house. went to richies house shot his new airsoft gun, then to KTBs around 1:30 or so, we randomly walked into harrisons house he didnt notice.then drove to carter road park to see a soccer game, then went and got kicked out of jamies house, then just drove while playing a name that song game with my ipod, then back to her house then hugn around for a bit, messing around with a random jason mask. tanner showed up then left then a weird parade of kids down ktb's street, then i left around 5:30ish. then watched last quarter of the FSU game, go noles. then to gregors house and hung out there from 8-10. what a crazy day that turned out to be
wore my pimp suit to church today, alot of old people stared at me. and tonight going to a concert with ktb and jamie. schweet
Auto response from TeaWithAQueen (2:28:13 PM): I am about to drown in this SEA of english
MAYBEiDOhaveADD (2:28:13 PM): want me to throw you a life raft?
MAYBEiDOhaveADD (2:28:32 PM): life raft dictionary
TeaWithAQueen: you are crazy
MAYBEiDOhaveADD: im crazy for throwing a large book of the english language that ALSO happens to serve as a flotation device?
TeaWithAQueen: yes
TeaWithAQueen: it would sink
MAYBEiDOhaveADD: not in the ENG SEA
MAYBEiDOhaveADD: the boyancy there is amazing
TeaWithAQueen: its things like this
TeaWithAQueen: that make me say
TeaWithAQueen: Greg, you are one crazy bastard