I spent some time yesterday trying to find a good (affordable) replacement for my facial lotion. I'm currently using some oily body lotion (Jergens Shea Lotion, rated @ 5) and it's just not working out. I did some searching from Skin Deep yesterday and it seems a lot of natural product companies want to charge you $35 for an ounce of "austere, cold-pressed olive oil from the beds of Italian gourmet organic overlords infused with the healing power of beeswax, nature's wonder ointment".
In other words -- .75 oz of olive oil and .25 oz of emulsified beeswax. What is that, $2 if I made it myself?
I don't really want to make it myself. I thought about making a ton of lotion for Xmas last year, mostly because I can't find almond lotion (I LOVE THE SMELL!!!) in this country. (Well, if Burt's Bees made that almond hand butter in lotion form, I would buy GALLONS. GALLONS, I tell you.) However, to make it worthwhile I'd have to make a ton, which IS expensive, and it's a process I don't know and don't have the implements for and I don't want to completely mess up Dave's mom's kitchen.
So I happened upon Purple Prairie Botanicals, another of the many companies listed in SkinDeep -- not only are their items all rated at 0-2 (all green, no yellows) but they're not ridiculously priced. And the shipping is $5.45 - priority. No gouging there, either. It's a tiny little family-run establishment. They go to a couple farmer's markets a year, sell at a bunch of local stores in MN, and drum up a little online custom. That's it.
I ordered their facial toner (2oz. $7), lotion (2oz. $7) and a Geranium Rose massage oil (2oz. $6, just for giggles). I'll let you know how it turns out.
I'm applying to an FBI job in Alexandria, VA today. Sweet. I hear you have to take a lie-detector test.
"No sir, I do not think those pants show off your ass!!"
Scribble scribblescribblescribble.... "She's lying, sir."
*awkward silence*