Title: Chocolate Jesus
circus_sandsChallenge: This was actually for the "Memory" challenge but I didn't get to posting it in time.
Summary: He never went to church on Sundays and he never memorized any passages from the Bible, but he still figured Jesus loved him.
Character: T-Bag
Rating: G (Is it even possible to have anything T-Bag related that's G?)
Word Count: 192
Author Notes: I've recently just started writing PB fanfiction and decided to do a series of T-Bag drabbles based on a few Tom Waits songs because they all seem to work. So this one comes from the song "Chocolate Jesus" and believe me it was a pretty weird song to work with. It's a bit random but what can I say, the song was inspiring.
He never went to church on Sundays and he never memorized any passages from the Bible, but he still figured Jesus loved him. Jesus loves all the little children and he was a little child, so no matter what he did that nice man with the nails in his hands and feet would still love him. Sometimes when he went to Zerelda Lee’s candy store he’d see little chocolate crosses and little chocolate Jesuses sitting on the counter, and he’d steal one of the little preaching Jesuses and bite off his raised hands and his bare feet first, because he knew that’s where the nails were and he figured it was better to have no hands and feet at all than to have nails through them. Once he brought a chocolate Jesus home and this time he tried biting the head off first before the rest of the body. He kind of liked how it looked that way and sat there watching it slowly melt in the sun on the windowsill until his daddy came in and smacked him for being a lazy good-for-nothing who stole chocolate and then didn’t even eat it.