Title: Crime and Punishment
neverendingview, but borrowing from
Inspired By:
little!T-bag fics.Summary: Even if Stephen DID do it, Uncle Richard knew it was Theo who needed to be punished.
Rating: Implied stuff, but nothing actually there--yet...
Word Count: 124
Author Notes: Found this in the back of my English journal--yey for private writting days!
“But,” Theo said and made a face, “That’s not fair!”
“Who says life is fair?” Uncle Richard asked and pushed Theodore towards the woodshed, again.
“But I didn’t do it, Stephen did it!”
“Well,” Uncle Richard closed the woodshed door, it was pitch black, “You didn’t stop him, did you?”
All Theo could feel was the hand on his shoulder, guiding him towards the table, “No sir.”
“And you knew he was doin wrong, didn’t ya?”
“Yes’r,” Theo tried to squirm free but Uncle Richard just pushed him harder against the table, “But you an Miss Penny is always gets mad at me when I cor-rect Stephen.”
“’Is Always gets mad’?” Richard questioned pulling Theo‘s hands behind his back, “Stop talkin like a nigger.”