
Apr 10, 2009 20:20

While I am completely aware that I should be doing work right now, procrastination is just too sweet of a temptation.


New animes I'm starting this season:

If you're not watching this show, you're crazy.  I think if you're reading this, you've probably already watched the first series XD.  The only bad thing about the second series, aside from the change of some seiyuus, is that until we get up to the point where the first series ended, there's not gonna be much suspense.  BUT STILL.  A MUST WATCH.  BEST ANIME EVER!!!  JUST THE FACT THAT THEY'RE REMAKING IT FROM SCRATCH TELLS YOU IT MUST BE SUPERRRRRRRRRRRRRR GOOD.  AND ALSO.  PAKU ROMI IS MY IDOL.
(Pic credit: maximo111)


You bunch of Lucky Star fans may be familiar with this one?  From all I've watched, all I know is that the girls form a band LOL.  So far...it's okay - probably like it as much as I do the Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya... although this one probably isn't as comedic because there's no Kyon XD But it has its cute moments.  I have to say the animation quality is pretty crappy though =_= it's as if they got lazy colouring the characters.  I love the drummer LOL she's so hilarious - and the bassist just because she looks pretty kakkoiiiiii~~~ Hopefully the main character develops a lot more throughout the series, cuz as of right now she's a pretty weak/useless character -_-
(Pic credit: Estheryuki)


This one seems to me like a love-it-hate-it show... still don't know whether or not I will continue with it because it seems kinda..weird.  LOL.  At the same time, I find myself really wanting to see the next epi to find out what the show is really about.  It probably is a very good story though, since it's been adapted from a manga into a movie (then into a drama?) and now into an anime.  Very studio-ghibli-esque animation (although I'm not sure if it's done by them...don't think so?).  That kind of character design usually isn't really my style (imo they aren't good looking enough 8D SO SHALLOW), but even so, the animation is really good!  The first epi takes place in the US, and they got PERFECT ACTUAL ENGLISH SPEAKING VOICE ACTORS to fill in the parts of the Americans ^_______^!!!!  Seems like a story with a deep plot though, worth checking out if you're into that stuff.
(Pic credit: Scarbrain)


I actually picked this one up just because I found out Dattebayo was subbing it LOL Very shounen - somewhat like a modern version of Chrno Crusade + D.Gray-man o___O.  From what I can see there seems to be ZERO potential for any kind of het coupling, but yaoi fans probably have already gone crazy from all the potential.  The antagonist in the show is actually voiced by AIZEN'S SEIYUU LOL I was like HEY I KNOW THIS VOICE O__O! when I first heard him.  Even more ironic is that he has a subordinate with creepy ^ ^ eyes like Gin -_-.  Anyways.  Pretty typical gundam-story-like plot: mysterious past, protagonist is probably 'the chosen one', needs to grow stronger for revenge, etc that kind of stuff.  For me, chance of dropping this show = high, but who knows maybe I'll grow to like it.
(Pic credit: ebulliencejj)

Aside from the NEW shows...

Bleach (Of course the Bleach Nut can't post an anime entry without some Bleach)
The anime recently aired two? episodes of fillers, called something along the lines of KARAKURAIZAAAA LOL It's pretty jokes, reminds me of Power Rangers.  If you have nothing better to do, go watch it just for laughs (Ep 213 and 214 I believe).  Now the MANGA...
Orihime is so useless, as usual - but the last few pages of the most recent chapter have made me like her just A BIT BETTER.  I really liked her relationship with Ulquiorra; it helped him grow a lot in character.  Of course, she's probably grown close to nil.  Then the chapter ended, he died, and I was back to despising her. 
BY THE WAY, last week's cover page made Ichigo look SOOOOO FREAKING ATTRACTIVE *___*!!!!!!!!!!! HOLY I HAVE TO QUESTION MY SANITY AS A REAL 3-D LIVING HUMAN BEING AGAIN FOR FINDING AN ANIME CHARACTER SO ATTRACTIVE.  I was slightly angry that Ichigo changed back into himself before Rukia could see his hollow craziness.  I would have liked to see some IchiRuki tension there.
I have a feeling we're gonna be flipping back to Rukia/Renji/Chad's POV soon, to see how they're doing -__- and maybe then back to the real world to see how the captains are holding up.  The top 3 espada are going to PWN THEM.  They're so screwed 8D.

I'm definitely not as excited for Naruto as I am for Bleach every week, but I feel like the series is almost about to come to an end O_O not VERY soon, but still coming up.  Most of the recent chapter was flashback, so I was a bit -______-.  I'm also still kind of angry that Pein turned out to be anorexic!Nagato-attached-to-cords-and-machinery-and-scary-crap-like-that.  Going to be interesting seeing him fight with Naruto o___o but that's not gonna happen for another couple chapters, I suspect.
And surprise, HINATA IS NOT DEAD -_-.  I dunno if that's a good or bad thing XD she's pretty useless, but I guess Naruto needs somebody to love *-*

It's kind of scary that I actually read the new chaps of my manga AND watched all the new shows listed above except FMA today. 
I hope everyone is working harder than me!!!!


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