846. Untitled - June 07, 2013

Jun 07, 2013 08:37

At the beginning,

the words echoed and pierced


like a tattoo carved into the surface.

Always in the same spot,

never totally fading,

nor ever forgotten.

And gradually,

the words would be gathered up

and placed in small boxes,

along with everything of that moment,

all the feelings

carefully put away

until it was filled

and then placed in a corner.

So this continued,

so many boxes over time

that would sometimes spill

across the surface

that never truly forgot

those first words

that still blazed up

in sense memory.

The boxes are many now,

filled with words meant to be gone

and forgotten,

as they gather brick by brick

replacing memories of feelings

with a blank emptiness

that soothes

and hurts at the same time.

The pleasures of feeling

are few and far in between.

Everything is tamped down,

a dulled sensation

if any at all.


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