Title: Untitled
Fandom: DWP
Words: 246 words
Notes: Emily Charlton, Miranda Priestly, and Andrea Sachs
A/N: A view from the other side of the zombie situation
For the umpteenth time that morning, Emily wondered if the oft-tried, and sometimes effective cubed dairy regimen (a.k.a: the cheese diet) was not a true ploy from the Dairy Farmers of America (or was it Wisconsin?) to boost their sales to a specific segment of the fashion industry (namely: one Emily Charlton). For a Thursday morning, it certainly felt like the wrong side of a Monday morning -- beginning with Miranda’s arrival and the first coffee run coinciding just outside of their reception area. Both objects had not survived the collision -- the hot coffee spreading across the cover and bindings of the Runway mock-up. Even before either assistant could turn to see Miranda’s pursed lips, they were already on the move -- Andrea to cut the queue at Starbucks; calling ahead, and generous tipping at the jar (all of it out of the petty cash purse) meant that a hot coffee was just being finished as she stepped into the shop.
At the other end of the maze of hallways, Emily was standing near the printing assistant as they rebound the cover and pages into a tidier version of the mock-up before dropping it back off to Nigel for his action. Quick steps saw Emily arrive back at the executive offices just time in time to hand off Miranda’s purse as instructions were fired off about her departure to the photoshoot itself -- something about the models behaving even more zombie-like than usual.