Title: Eden
Chapter: 2/???
Genre: AU; Angst; Romance
Rating: PG-13
Synopsis: ”Can you imagine not having to wear a mask, being able to look in the mirror?”
Warnings: None;
Disclaimer: The story is mine; The characters are yet to be tamed.
Saga blinked at the sun, wishing he could wipe the sweat off his forehead as he was helping carry some heavy bricks and boards to build a house for the dictator. All the male workers in the area were working from sun up to sun down on making the best home for he who called himself Kohara-sama and was not to be addressed in any other way, unless he was being addressed by Savior Kohara.
“I’m real thirsty…” Saga heard one of the workers next to him say. His tongue was sticking out through the mouth hole as he pulled a cart of bricks closer to the workers that were actually building the house. Saga looked over at the bottle that the man carried hanging from his waist. His share of water had ran out.
“Have some of mine.” Saga whispered as they both approached the house. He was never really one to drink much water, he felt like it made him a weak person if he did. So he liked to stand in the heat, knowing that if for some reason water wasn’t available, he wouldn’t be the first to die.
“I can’t possibly-“
“Just take it.” Saga muttered softly, unclipping the bottle from his waist and kicking it over to the man so the Stabilizers wouldn’t see them interacting with each other.
The man stopped what he was doing and leaned over, taking a drink from the water quickly before kicking it back to Saga. Before Saga was able to pick up the bottle, a hand was on his shoulder.
“Identify yourself.” The voice said.
“Male #2168528, Sir.” Saga answered, standing straight, seeing the man he had shared water with running off with his cart full of bricks.
“Do you know what you did wrong?” The person behind him squeezed Saga’s shoulder softly.
He knew that he wasn’t supposed to be talking to people. He knew that he wasn’t supposed to be sharing his belongings with people. He knew that no two people could drink from the same water bottle because germs caused plague, according to Kohara-sama. For some reason, Saga couldn’t feel himself actually doing something wrong.
“Yes, Sir.”
“Would you like to ride in the back seat of my car?” The person asked, pulling Saga away from his work and leading him to a car.
“It would be a pleasure, Sir.” Saga answered softly.
He sat in the back of the car, closing his eyes. He didn’t want to be punished like he was the first time. The first time, when he had cried for his mother, they had sent him off to a big house where he got beaten with all kinds of tools. He decided he never wanted to go back there, but he wasn’t thinking straight for the moment.
Saga didn’t want to see the road, the pavement, the big house that he came to. He didn’t want to see the pitch darkness that emerged from other rooms the moment he stepped in. Lastly, he didn’t want to feel his eyes being blindfolded, hands being tied back and the sting of the whip.
As they continued to drive forward, he began to feel more blissful than he should have. He thought about the man whom he have given water to; he could have died without the water. Saga began to think deeper on this and realized that he had saved a life. Someone’s heart was still beating and it was because of him. And that made him feel good, despite the fact that he would get awfully punished for it.
His back and thighs would hurt, but he would know that he saved a life, even if no one else acknowledged it.
Saga had been thinking a lot to himself ever since he met Tora several days before. He found out many things about himself, including that he was afraid of the dark, he hated the color gray and ramen wasn’t actually the answer to everything. It was interesting how one particular question and meeting a man with a different mask could do wonders.
The car stopped all too quickly, but Saga continued closing his eyes. He didn’t want to see anything. The door next to him opened and he was pulled out of the car, being led to his doom in a rather husky manner.
A chuckle in his ear and Saga felt like he was getting to start trembling again, but then he remembered he was Saga. Saga was such a strong name, despite how short it was, and it made him feel comfortable, or at least more comfortable about himself and who he was. He was important, and with enough pressure, he could do something big. Like be the one to put the last brick on the house that they were building. His goals were realistic for now.
He bit down on his lip as he felt a cold breeze and the color from the back of his eyelids change into a darker color. He thought he might have been inside one of the rooms now, but there was something different. The rooms weren’t scorching hot as they had been the first time.
He was set down in a chair, and he still refused to open his eyes, but whoever was leading him obviously didn’t know because his eyes weren’t visible behind the bask. They were covered by thin, black screens.
“Would you like something to drink?” The voice called out to him, causing an echo. What had happened to this place.
“Excuse me, Sir, but I’m not sure if this is the way it’s done.” Saga mumbled softly.
“Of course it’s not, dumb-dumb.” The voice was beginning to become more familiar. That’s when Saga decided to open his eyes and noticed that he was in an overly decorated room. Everything was red, brown, and gold. Very beautiful colors. Paintings hung on the walls and the room was full of chairs that looked like they had never been used.
“Where am I?” Saga choked out as he blinked his eyes quicker. It had been a while since he had seen such beautiful colors before.
“Tora’s Gallery.” The voice chuckled, which was obviously now distinguished as Tora. “Art drawn by Tora, painted by Tora, or stitched by Tora. Copyright laws would protect them if we still had any of those.”
“But you were-And I was! AND HOW DID YOU GET ME OUT OF THERE?!” Saga was no pointing in all directions, only amusing Tora more and more by his awkward display.
“Simple.” Tora pulled out a badge from his pocket and flipped it open. “Stabilizer #270 at your service.”
“You’re one of them!? Then why were you running from them?! And why are you against them?! AND-“
“Your powers of inquiry are becoming more and more powerful.” Tora laughed. “I see someone did their homework. Or maybe someone just couldn’t stop thinking about me.”
The last part of Tora’s sentence sounded odd, although Saga couldn’t understand it, but it made him feel kind of weird inside. He paused for a moment and then decided to speak. “I guess you were right, in whatever you told me.”
“Great.” Tora handed Saga a bottle of cold water, and then sat down on one of the chair, opening his own water bottle and drinking from it. “I needed a minion and I was hoping you were going to help me out with that. Which is why I pulled you out from there.”
“Are you trying to get yourself killed, or-“
“I would die a thousand times for the people in this country.” Tora shrugged, drinking some more water before finally screwing the cap back on and setting the bottle down next to the left leg for the chair. “You see, it isn’t whether you live or die; it’s whether you can make a difference.”
“How can one make a difference if one is dead?” Saga protested. “Is it not impossible?”
“People said it was impossible to have another dictator on this earth and it happened.”
“I really don’t know why you picked me though.” Saga shrugged, drinking from his water and tilting his head to the side. “I mean, there are many other people in Japan. Some who are stronger, some who are smarter, some who are more important-“
“Is any one of them named Saga?” Tora quipped.
“They could be if you gave them that name.”
“That’s true, there could be tons of Sagas everywhere. But only one Saga that likes to eat ramen and asks a lot of questions.”
Saga was beginning to feel a little more unique than he had in a while and it made him smile. They sat in silence, one chair in front of the other, but they both thought different things.
Saga thought of how great it felt to be distinguished from other people. He thought it was amazing that for the first time ever, he wasn’t just a number, he had a description and it came inscribed in his name.
Tora thought about how easy it would be to use someone as insecure as Saga to help him when he needed it. Although he cared for the safety of Japan as a whole, he had to use Saga. It’s not like he was going to make him go into battle, but technically he was just luring him into his trap.
“What are we doing?” Saga asked after a long period of time.
“Getting started.” Tora answered softly, pressing his thumb against the plastic of the mask.
Author’s Note: Thanks for the feedback in my previous chapter. c: I am not liking writing such short chapters, but this will have to do since I’ve been so busy. Chapter 1 and 2 were more of intro chapters to give a little insight on what’s going on, the actual story will be getting started in the next chapter. The next update will be much longer than these 2 have been. Anyways, I hope you guys like it and thank you for your time.