Title: Eden
Chapter: 3/???
Genre: AU; Angst; Romance
Rating: PG-13
Synopsis: ”Can you imagine not having to wear a mask, being able to look in the mirror?”
Warnings: None;
Disclaimer: The story is mine; The characters are yet to be tamed.
chapter 3 )
Comments 9
It didn’t take long to realize that his mask had been taken from his face. maybe this is the real reason why tora wants to keep him by his side & won't let him go home. 8D
“Paint anything you remember on the walls of your room. Don’t ask why, just do it.” can i live with tora too? XD
hehehe somehow i just knew the color tora gave saga would be purple...first. XD
“Maybe it tastes like grape.” Saga said thoughtfully, holding up a finger to his tongue, then making a disgusted face followed by a gagging sound. It didn’t taste like grape. o_O saga, you weirdo.
Every orange person was then covered in blood. aww... T_T *pats the saga* for some reason, tora's like an art teacher & saga's the student. fufufu...
Kohara was probably in his hot tub like he always was, massaged by machines and ( ... )
it's cool if you forget things, i don't mind! i forget too!
and i just updated, have fun!
and I keep wondering what Tora's plan is!
your story is cool! I love it <3
Moarrr please :)
It's been updated!
I really like this concept you have going on here. It's a classic utopia gone dystopia, but the ending of this chapter has me dying to know what Tora is up to. :P
An update has been posted!
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