Straight to the good stuff - I'm a sucker for a nice montage. And I loved Nathan pulling Haley out of the water. It was a nice moment, complimented by the aforementioned Naley montage. Also loved the moments with the pyschiatrist. Jamie and Haley continue to be adorable.
I'm happy they cut that stupid Mouth/Skills fighting over a girl bs behind them, it was getting old quick. And what was with him wearing that coat everywhere, though? It was funny, but it was weird. LOL Think I'm reading too much into it. How much did I love him returning Quinn though, after trying to dance with her. "She was sexy until she started dancing." Ha.
Oh! And while I'm talking Quinn, that scene where she walks to the lodge in the snow? Was pretty much pointless. Funny and kind of cute, but pointless. Just sayin'. But, that snow looked like fun. *already misses winter*
This episode made me like Alex more and feel really, really bad for Josh. I wonder if they'll continue with him next season? I hope so. He can be jerky, but he and Alex (never thought I'd say it) are interesting to me now.
I loved this episode so much. Brooke/Julian? I ship it. They are so cute and that proposal was adorable. Can't wait to see what the next season holds for them. They better make it down the aisle, Schwann! The things Paul said about and to Julian were nice to see. And when he told Julian not to say anything and he took the first deal the guy made I lol'd. Everyting Jaime said about the film was lulzy.
Haley and Quinn's scenes were cute. They make a nice lil' sisterly duo. But where is Taylor? I keep wondering. When Jaime said he'd missed Haley's smile? I was just awwww. But that suit? Was just as much of a no-no as Skills wearing that coat everywhere.
Haley's pregnant! Yay! I squeed. Hopefully that will help her continue to recover - oh, but the thing with the owl? Not a good idea to get that close again, Haley. Just for future reference. I hope it's a girl.
Now to the evil cliffhanger...what? How did Crazy Katie get in there and how did she escape the police? Tree Hill Police, you're slacking here. Let's hope the same can't be said for the Tree Hill Paramedics. Seriously though, I hope Quinn and Clay are alright. And if they aren't - Quinn, specifically - the effect on Haley can't be anything good. " never know when things will turn around."
All that worry and the CW did renew OTH, after all. Probably only for a half season, but as long as that's enough time to resolve everything, I'm good. Half season is better than no season. Hopefully it will be an ending that lives up to the rest of the series. <3
My Wishlist for Season Eight -
1. Bring back Lucas and Peyton. Or heck, even just Peyton. The series shouldn't end without us seeing one or both of them again. Maybe an unpopular sentiment, but I thik we need the people from the beginning to send it out the right way.
2. Needs moar Rachel. Now that she and Dan are kaput, she needs to come back and make amends with Brooke for real. Their friendship was nice and it seems to be the one thing Victoria didn't tell Brooke (that she paid Rachel to leave) so she needs to come back. Perfect timing, with the engagement/wedding and all.
3. More Dan, more Karen, more Whitey. Nuff' said.
Basically, I think the show should return to its roots since it seems likely that will be the last season. I wanted to talk a little more about SPN's finale as well (especially because of that Jensen interview that just came out) but this post kind of took on a life of it's own. Maybe on Thursday.
Countdown to the end of the school year starts next week! I am a happy girl. Bye until later. :)