...really, I'm not. I think that pharmaceutical companies are a scam - I feel like they are there to take our money and dismiss us as human beings. Chris Rock pointed out that the commercials we see that say "Ask your doctor about..." are no better than going to the crack dealer: you are making your own prescription. I don't think that this is
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Comments 7
Unfortunately, there is only one other organization in the States that makes wigs for people in these situations, but they sell every wig for $1500... Everything else I could find was outside of the States... Maybe I'll talk to Mom before we mail off the hair and see if she would rather it go to Canada...
What really kicked my baby-longing up a notch was turning 27. Setting a timeframe for trying to conceive has actually sort of calmed it down.
Unfortunately, I've heard the same sorts of things about Locks of Love. Most of that hair is actually sold for commercial wigs.
It will be O.K., though - I am about to turn 29 and have been through the gamut of Shitty Men (never dated a hitter, though - good thing or else I would be in jail for murder) and have just learned to STAY AWAY!!! So, the brain can yell at the ovaries to "SHUT UP" until I go back on the Pill to make the urge subside some. (I have had some weird cervical issues in the past just with tampons, making me fearful of putting anything on it for 3 weeks straight - but I love to recommend the NuvaRing to the women I counsel... I'm glad to get good feedback about it ( ... )
However, I was also a Peace Corps Volunteer and now work for Planned Parenthood - my whole life is about finding solutions that will accomplish change. Maybe that makes me naive, weird, a "dreamer", or just plain stupid. But, I watched a very sweet kid who had every right to cry be put on meds that would not allow the tears - so he turned to violence and rage. Talking about the thoughts in our heads is much more productive than just trying to change the chemicals in there and move
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