Japan~ Chapter 12 Kamenashi Hayato

Feb 02, 2010 12:17

“So you’re leaving?”

He bit his lower lip, eyes looking at everywhere but the person in front of him.

“How long…?”

“I don’t know, Kazu…”

He closed his eyes and sighed.

“You don’t know.”

The smaller one repeated softly.

“Kazu, I-“

He smiled.
“Go for it, love.”


He blinked.

Kazuya nodded, a tear escaped his right eye, and down his pale hollow cheek.
“Chase your dream.”

“You’re okay with me going?”

He exhales softly.

Kazuya chuckled, and wiped his tear.
“I’m not okay.”

“I’m terrified.”
                “For me, for the other four…”
“For us…”

“But I…”
He inhaled deeply.
“I will be here.”

“I’ll be behind you, to be your support.”
                “To be your pillar…”
“Oen suru…”

“I’ll support you, love.”

He dropped his luggage on the floor, and ran to his crying lover.

“I promise…”
He whispered to the other.
“I promise to come back…”

“I promise you I’d be a better man I am right now.”

Kazuya chuckled in his embrace, shaking his head.

“I love you as you are.”
Kazuya pulled away to look at him.
“So… don’t you ever think the need to go to prove yourself of becoming a better man than you are now.”

“I love you so much, Kazu…”
He nuzzled his nose into the other’s hair.
“Thank you.”

“Your word is all I need…”

“Promise me one thing…”

Kazuya looked up at him, tears streaming down his face.

“What is it, baby?”

He said lovingly.

“Don’t be long, okay…?”
Kazuya said softly.
“Come back soon.”

“Come back soon, --“

“Sir, are you alright?”

Hayato opened his eyes, and blinked a couple of times to recognize his surroundings.

“Oh… sorry…”
He sat up straight on his chair.
“Um… my throat’s kind of dry…”

“May I have a glass of water, please?”

“Right away, sir.”

The stewardess smiled, and walked off to the front.

Hayato sighed, bringing a hand to his face, and wiped the remaining of his tears.
Looking to the side, he saw Jay fast asleep with his laptop open.
On the other side, Nick was comfortably snuggling with his pillow.

It’s only been 6 hours from New York City.
There’s still about another 6-7 to their next transit before they reach Australia.
A total flight of 20 hours.

He hissed.
“Who’s idea was it to ski all the way to Aussie?!”

“Here’s your water.”
The stewardess said softly.
“You don’t like flying, huh?”

“You were crying in your sleep.”

Hayato took few gulps, and shook his head.

“No, I have no problem with flying…”
He smiled at her.
“I had a… dream…”

“Nightmare, huh?”

She frowned.

He closed his eyes.
“I can’t… I don’t know what to call it.”

“It was sad…”
He said softly.
“My lover was… was crying.”

“We were in the airport…”
                “I… was just few feet away from the check in gate.”
“And… it was uneasy for both of us…”

“My lover was so sad…”

“You just miss her, that’s why.”
The stewardess smiled.
“I take it this is your first time really AWAY from her?”

Hayato nodded.

“Well, New York and Australia are on the other sides of the world.”
She stated.
“And, it’s normal, for you to feel like this.”

“It’s just a dream.”
She nodded, assuring him.
“You can go give her a call.”

She pointed to the phone attached to the chair.

“Ah… yeah.”
Hayato nodded, and handed her the glass back.
“I’ll give him a call.”

“There you go.”
Her smile got bigger.
“Well, if there’s anything you need, I won’t be asleep for another hour.”

“So just buzz.”
                “You are on the VIP class, mr. Kamenashi.”
“It’d be a waste to not use our service to the fullest.”

“I’ll even throw in some sips of liquor, if you’d like.”


Hayato raised his brow.

“Just kidding.”
She laughed.
“But really, if you need anything else, we’ll be at your service.”


Hayato nodded.

She walked away smiling, satisfied she’s doing good on her job.
And totally missed the fact that the teen said HE instead of SHE.

“Ah… uh… moshi moshi…?”
Kame sat up on his bed, eyes still closed as he greeted the person on the other line.


Kame’s eyes immediately open and all sleepyness flew out the window.

Kame frowned.
“Baby, what’s wrong?”

“Are you alright in there?”

He heard the teen sighed.

“I’m fine…”
He whispered.
“It’s… night time here, and… we’re 5 hours away from Singapore.”

“Oh… sou?”
Kame sighed.
“I thought there’s something wrong, baby…”

The teen trailed.
“I really miss you.”

Kame got up from his bed, and walked towards the window.
“I miss you too, baby.”

“I’m sorry I woke you up…”

“Hm, if it’s Haya, I don’t mind.”

Kame smiled, and opened the window to feel the cool night summer breeze.

The teen said softly.
“I just called to hear your voice.”

“I love you.”

Kame chuckled.

“I love you too, Haya.”

“I’ll see you next week?”

“Next week?”
Kame raised his brow.
“You sure you’re only going to be in Aussie for a week?”

“That’ll be tiring, baby…”

“I want to catch the next plane back.”

He replied, no hesitation in his tone what so ever.

“Haya, this is your vacation…”
Kame coaxed the teen.
“Enjoy it, baby…”

“Have lots and lots of fun before college starts.”

The teen closed his eyes, smiling as he listened to his lover’s tired, sleepy voice.

“Better than being in New York, and not do anything.”
He pointed.
“You have Jay and Nick there.”

“Riley is busy vacationing with his mom and dad separately.”
                “You should have fun, Haya.”
“I never took you to Australia before.”

“And maybe you can go visit New Zealand while you’re at it, no?”
                “Then to the north, there’s Indonesia…”
“Another place I have not taken you yet.”

“Or you can even spend few days in Singapore too, if the guys are up for it.”
                “Enjoy your vacation, Ha-“

“Yeah, but…”
He cut the older one from his ranting.
“You’re not here…”

“What’s the point of a good vacation when the person I want isn’t here with me?”


Kame touched his chest, his heart beat erratic.

“I just want to be with you.”
The teen whispered.
“Be it in Australia, Indonesia, China…”

“And I know you can’t get a vacation as of now yet, but even if we’re just in New York…”
                “It doesn’t matter.”
“I just want you there with me.”

“That’s so sweet, baby…”
Kame sighed.
“Thank you…”

“I’ll try my best to finish all my work so we can go to our own vacation, okay?”

The teen sighed tiredly.
“Don’t do that.”

“That means you’re pushing yourself.”
                “And… I don’t want that.”
“Don’t, okay?”

Kame chuckled.
“Haya, you should sleep.”

“Get some rest, baby.”

“I should be saying that to you, Kazuya-san.”
The teen whispered.
“But, okay…”

“I love you.”

“I love you too, Kazuya-san…”

Kame clicked his phone shut, and leaned his head on the window.

Hayato placed the phone back to the holder, and buried his face in his hands.
And quietly, he shed his tears.
Not knowing why he’s so sad over some dream he had.

Lately, he’s been having frequent dreams about him and Kazuya.
Some are sweet and loving.
And some are naughty, which, he isn’t complaining about all of them.

He considers himself romantic.
Kazuya would laugh, and he’d apologize if Kazuya thinks he’s treating him like a girl.
And Kazuya would shake his head, and give him a peck.

The naughty dreams are REALLY nice.
It gives him some ideas for it in reality.
Although, he would like to do it EXACTLY like in his dreams…

But, his Kazuya needs to rest after a few rounds.
He forgets sometimes that he’s 18, and the other’s almost 40.
And Kazuya explained to him men at different age have different stamina.

He wants to do it exactly like in his dreams.
Rounds after rounds, wild and sexy…
Positions after positions…

Starts off with making sweet love….
Wild sex in the middle…
And a mix of both as they finish.

But he doesn’t want to tire his Kazuya too much.
He does have to go to work.
It’d be bad if he suddenly has a meeting, and he limped his way there.

And then… there are those that confuse him to no end.
The dreams he’d have of Kazuya crying.
It made him sad to see how Kazuya crying hysterically, and helplessly.

And he hates himself that he’s the one that caused those tears to fall from his lover.
In most of the dreams he saw Kazuya crying, he’s the one that caused it.
And every time he has those dreams, he’d wake up, and cry.

And he’d promise himself he would never do that to Kazuya.

“Why are we in uniform, HAYATO?”

He frowned, and showed the other his cute-sexy pout.

“Kazu is mean, nyan!”

With two of his fingers, he did his trademark sign, letting them touch the other’s slightly chubby cheek.

“You’re so childish…”
Kazuya sighed.
“Are you seriously still into this roleplay again, Hayato?”

He groaned next to Kazuya’s ear.
“The way you say Hayato, is so… sexy…”

“Hayato’s one lucky bastard…”
One finger started opening the buttons of the black uniform.
“To have you all to himself.”

“You’re a one sexy kitten, you know that…?”

Kazuya panted heavily.
“Hnh… Hayato…”

“Yes, kitten…?”

He whispered huskily.


Kazuya moaned shamelessly.

“Purr for me, kitten…”


He grinned sheepishly, feeling triumphant he made his lover once again… helpless.
“Okay, R---“

“You doggin’ Kazumi in there, Hayato…?”

Jay grinned from ear to ear.


He jerked up, but immediately fell back down on the chair.
Seat belt still attached.

He hissed.
“FUCK, that hurt!!!!”

Jay wiped his fake tears away.
“Our boy…”

“He’s having a wet dream…”

“Our boy’s growing up!!!”

Nick piped in.


Hayato took off his seat belt, and reached for his back pack.

“Hayato, your tent isn’t that obvious…”
Jay grinned.
“Hmmm, if that was me, Jay jr. would be bulging OUT!”

“Hayato… don’t tell me you’re… very small down there…”

His bestfriend turned around and glared daggers at him.

“Oh man, poor Kazumi!”

Jay shook his head.


Nick’s jaw dropped, and Jay chocked on his saliva.

“What did they teach you in America…?”

The nice stewardess sighed, and rubbed her own temples.

“Ummm… everything?”

Hayato shrugged.

She sighed.
“Enjoy your transit in Tokyo, boys.”

“Your next plane to Singapore will be in 5 hours.”

part II:  peace-l0v3.livejournal.com/16911.html#cutid1


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