I am glad that you have a plan, and that you will have a place to live! *hugs* Would love to hang out in Philly again, and may be able to help work something out if you need massage clients/a place to massage.
That sounds like good news, as long as your dad treats you decently. However, I think it was pretty irresponsible for your clearness committee to not encourage you to make any sort of plans before you left Pendle Hill. Places to live don't magically appear out of nowhere--you having no place to live was a logical consequence of everybody just assuming God would put one in front of you.
I know. I meant that the clearness committee before you left PH was incredibly irresponsible to encourage you to just assume somehow everything would be okay rather than making plans. This clearness committee seems to have been more reasonable.
To be fair, it's not really the job of a clearness committee to give advice. And also, I wasn't really very helpful to them in helping me figure out what to do; I just kind of flailed around going "I don't know what to do, I don't know what to do".
I still don't feel like I've gone astray of any great master plan or anything. Though I'm not yet unconvinced that God isn't a big jerkface. ;-)
Comments 18
But, you're not wrong.
I still don't feel like I've gone astray of any great master plan or anything. Though I'm not yet unconvinced that God isn't a big jerkface. ;-)
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