Prompt me!

Dec 09, 2011 13:14

Guys, I have been in the biggest slump, art wise. Somebody inspire me! Surely someone has a something they want to see drawn? Sam/Dean, Sam alone, Dean alone, Castiel/Dean, just Cas, Sam/Castiel, etc.... Help!

blah blah

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Comments 11

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maichan December 9 2011, 22:20:18 UTC
Second your prompts. There can never be enough zombies, weechesters, and PLAID.


peach_gurl December 9 2011, 22:29:46 UTC
Woohoo! That's more than I was hoping for! You are awesome. I really like the one about shopping for more plaid shirts :D


twisting_vine_x December 10 2011, 00:39:30 UTC
I'd leave a prompt, but I've already had the joy of you drawing something for me once before - should probably let someone else have a turn. ;)

Also, I meant to tell you that your artwork's been my laptop desktop since DCBB. I stuck the two pieces together and stuck them on my background and said background has not changed since. ♥


peach_gurl December 10 2011, 01:50:50 UTC
Aww! That's a really sweet thing to tell me! Thanks! I'd still love to hear any ideas you might have :) I'm on my weekend so I've got the time


twisting_vine_x December 10 2011, 02:53:44 UTC
Heh, well, in that case... hmmm. Trying to think of any Destiel ideas I've got kicking around in my head. Are you all caught up on S7? I don't want to spoil you for anything if you're not.


peach_gurl December 10 2011, 21:45:24 UTC
Oops sorry it took me so long reply! I went out then ko'd. Any who, yep I'm 100% caught up, you won't spoil me. So send it! Lol


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