So, almost 10 years later

May 01, 2011 22:33

Osama is finally dead. It's so surreal. This terrible, terrible man was one of the most influential reasons behind the policies and laws that define our current culture. No TSA and body scanners and probing, no Gitmo and Hamdi and Hamdan, no torture memos, no lines between real Americans and those deemed not patriotic enough, no freedom fries, no sharp divides, no Baghdad  Burning, no Daniel Pearl, no soldiers lost. In a world of so many people doing so many good things, it makes me unbelievably sad that such an evil man impacted the world more. I just hope that this ushers in the start of making amends for the times the pursuit of justice became the pursuit of vengeance and we crossed the very ideals we meant to uphold. If we can't go back to the time of those no's before, I hope we can come to a time with no us vs them mentality, no interchanging of Arabs and Muslim, no burning Korans or Bibles, no more mosque protests, no more Fred Phelps desecrating the memories of those fallen. So in this time of after, after 9/11, after the War on Terror began, let's start mending bridges between the US and the rest of the world. Let's not fight for freedom of those abroad, but deny it those back home. Let's not  ask men and women to serve for our country, as long as they serve in the closet.

And please, above everything else, Let's not elect Palin or Trump for President.

Good night, and Good Luck
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