Chloeg2008: Main Entry: os·trichMain Entry: os·trich Pronunciation: 'äs-trich, 'os- also -trij Function: noun Etymology: Middle English, from Old French ostrusce, from (assumed) Vulgar Latin avis struthio, from Latin avis bird + Late Latin struthio ostrich 1 a swift-footed 2-toed flightless ratite bird (Struthio camelus) of Africa that is the largest of existing birds and often weighs 300 pounds 2 [from the belief that the ostrich when pursued hides its head in the sand and believes itself to be unseen
the1anonlykyle: because thats what we named it peachesncreme472: wow thats exactly what everyone else said peachesncreme472: but u need a better answer then that the1anonlykyle: cause ostrich is such a sweet name that u cant help but call an awsome huge bird ostrich
Comments 7
Pronunciation: 'äs-trich, 'os- also -trij
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Old French ostrusce, from (assumed) Vulgar Latin avis struthio, from Latin avis bird + Late Latin struthio ostrich
1 a swift-footed 2-toed flightless ratite bird (Struthio camelus) of Africa that is the largest of existing birds and often weighs 300 pounds
2 [from the belief that the ostrich when pursued hides its head in the sand and believes itself to be unseen
peachesncreme472: wow thats exactly what everyone else said
peachesncreme472: but u need a better answer then that
the1anonlykyle: cause ostrich is such a sweet name that u cant help but call an awsome huge bird ostrich
it's just what i do in my spare time
so yea....
kaitlyn UGLY ASS campbell!
that is my new nick name for you...even though i've called you that for a long time but not to your face...but really YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL! CHYEA RIGHT!
w/e bia!
<3 kel to the c
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