MP3 shuffle meme

Aug 06, 2010 17:35

OK so I am procrastinating, and I happened to see someone else's list while procrastinating. Procrastination leads to more procrastination so without further adieu, here you go.


[Put your music player on shuffle. Post the first 40 songs that come up. You can repeat artists if you want. If you have any repeat tracks, skip to the next track.]

(note: I had two English songs and one instrumental come out, and I threw those out because I can =D.)

1. 禁区 - 中森明菜
2. 素直になれたら - JUJU featuring Spontania
3. Yes-No - オフコース
4. ラブラブマンハッタン - TOKIO
5. 流星のサドル - 久保田利伸
6. 愛撫 - 中森明菜
7. I Don't Know - BaBe
8. FU-JI-TSU - 工藤静香
9. Keep Tryin' - 宇多田ヒカル
10. 長崎は今日も雨だった - 内山田洋とクールファイブ
11. キミへのことば - V6
12. Web of Night - T.M. Revolution
13. BLONDE - 中森明菜
14. バラードのように眠れ - 少年隊
15. I MISSED "THE SHOCK" - 中森明菜
16. 魔弾~der freischutz~ - T.M. Revolution
17. 目覚めろ!野性 - Matchy with Question
18. Silent Lady - 植草克秀
19. DESIRE~情熱~ - 中森明菜
20. 宙船 - TOKIO
21. RAIN DANCEが聞こえる - 吉川晃司
22. 星屑のスパンコール (from PZ '96)- 少年隊
24. キセキのはじまり - V6
25. I Love, Who? - 早見優
26. ミ・アモーレ - 中森明菜
27. You were mine - 久保田利伸
28. INNOCENCE - 20th Century
29. nostalgie - V6
30. ワインレッドの心 - 安全地帯
31. 十戒(1984) - 中森明菜
32. Everything - 嵐
34. ホタルノヒカリ - いきものがかり
35. 逢いたい理由 - AAA
36. 青の時代 - KinKi Kids
37. コバルトブルー (2003 Summer Dream Live VV Program rip) - 坂本昌行
38. 情熱の代償 - Girl Next Door
39. 選ばれた夜 - 吉川晃司
40. セカンド・ラブ - 中森明菜

01. Which song do you prefer, #1 or #40?
#40 hands down! Ironic considering that #1 is my user icon. "Kinku" is my favorite Akina cover actually.

02. Have you ever listened to #12 continuously on repeat?
Probably when it first came out. I listened to the English version over and over though trying to figure out what the heck TMR was singing.

03. What album is #26 from?
BEST, Recollection, etc.

04. What do you think about the artist who did #15?
Oh man if you don't know by that I <3 Akina XD... I think she is supremely talented and that she runs circles around Seiko. Seiko had cookie cutter songs whereas Akina broke the mold and recreated herself with every single single. If she hadn't attempted suicide I think she would have been the eternal idol praised by everyone and not Seiko =P.

05. Is #19 one of your favourite songs?
I like it but I don't think it makes my top 5 ever. Definitely in my Akina top 10.

06. Who does #38 remind you of?
Um, the people I went to karaoke with when I sang it?

07. Does #20 have better lyrics or music?
Nakajima Miyuki writes awesome lyrics!

08. Do any of your friends like #3?

09. Is #33 from a movie soundtrack?

10. Is #18 overplayed on the radio?

11. What does #21 remind you of?
Kikkawa Koji in a long black raincoat on Yoru no Hit Studio XD

12. Which song do you prefer, #5 or #22?
22! I think the lyrics are cute and I like how they're from the perspective of an idol.

13. What album is #17 from?
I'm sure it's on a Naruto soundtrack but I really wouldn't know.

14. When did you first hear #39?
When I bought the CD on which it's recorded like 4 years ago.

15. When did you first hear #7?
Geez it's been so long I don't remember (>_<).

16. What genre is #8?

17. Do any of your friends like #14?
I would hope so XD.

18. What colour does #4 remind you of?
Red because it's "Love Love" haha.

19. Have you ever blasted #11 on your stereo?
No. I <3 V6 but I don't think that "Kimi he no Kotoba" is blast-worthy.

20. What genre is #37?
Johnny's XD

21. Can you play #13 on any instrument?

22. What is your favourite lyric from #30?

23. What is your favourite lyric from #23?
♪出逢いと別れをこの人生で繰りかえし 愛に生きて愛に死ねたなら

24. Would you recommend #24 to your friends?
It's V6, so why not? It's not my favorite song, but I remember when the song came out, watching the live performances and being impressed with Marsa's guns bwahahahaha.

25. Is #2 a good song to dance to?

26. Do you ever hear #16 on the radio?

27. Is #32 more of a “nighttime” or “daytime” song?

28. Does #36 have any special meaning to you?
Not really

29. Do any of your friends like #31?
I don't think so?

30. Is #25 a fast or slow song?

31. Is #35 a happy or sad song?
I would say it's more complex than just a happy or sad

32. What is one of your favourite lyrics from #9?
♪赤から青に変わるシグナル 戻ることの出来ない旅の途中で 明日を信じて進みたい

33. Is #34 better to listen to alone or with friends?
Doesn't really matter I think

34. When did you first hear #27?
About 2 years ago?

35. Name 3 other songs by the artist who did #29:
Guilty, Music for the People, Dasenai Tegami

36. Do you know all the words to #6?
If you took away my screen at karaoke once I got beyond the first chorus I think I'd have problems haha.

37. Does #28 have better lyrics or music?
I like both. I like the lyrics, but I like the Latin feel.

38. What album is #10 from?
Off the top of my head, I have no idea =D.
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