Player Information
Name: Fennel
Personal Journal: Kokibi
Contact Info: Fennelcardi (AIM)
Other Characters: Himiko from Kyoushiro to Towa no Sora (reserved)
Character Information
Name: Tenshi Hinanai
Source Canon: Touhou
Age: A few hundred years
Role In Canon: Troublemaker.
History: Personality:
Touhou is known for a certain variance in plausible characterisations. And while I am trying to keep as close as possible to canon!Tenshi, others might see her a different way. I've seen people portray has as truly evil, as a goofy masochist, or as a lonely little girl who just wants friends. So, I'd ask you to keep this in mind, my characterization is only as valid as any other. You might have seen her used differently elsewhere in the vast pit of snakes that is the scary Touhou fandom.
Tenshi is quite a selfish character. Brought up in an environment that gave her pretty much anything she wanted without effort, she never had to work for her living, and her greatest concern is usually that life might get boring.
Consequently, she also never really got praise, and is somewhat starved for attention in some form. She is mostly concerned with her own entertainment and amusement, even if others suffer through it. She is not above destroying shrines, screwing with the weather, and preparing a huge earthquake, just to have some fun. She still is not REALLY one with bad intentions, and she will fix what she caused afterwards, like by rebuilding a shrine she destroyed.
Of course, her idea of fun usually means people fighting her in some way. She even makes sure that people are properly angry at her, to the point of telling characters about her evil earthquake plot just so they could decide to stop her in a properly angry way. Her enthusiasm for enemies fighting her seriously tends to be over the top enough that some people consider her to be a kind of masochist, including Marisa in her entries on Tenshi in the canonical grimoire. This is a misperception, however.
While most of the things she does are centered around getting other people angry at her, there is one thing that makes *her* angry, or at least severly peeved. This is when people don’t respect her power. She has no problem with losing (in fact she prefers losing in the end, because she isn’t actually an evil person, just an annoying one. She wants to have people to fight tomorrow, so nuking them in an earthquake isn’t what she really wants) , as long as people don’t insult her as weak!
She also really hates if people don’t pay attention to her, too, and will go to some lengths to GET attention.
So, all in all, Tenshi is an annoyance - and she intends to be just that. It gets people in the mood to fight her, after all.
Tenshi has several abilities. First of all, she is a celestial - and, as such, is poisonous to demons, has a very long lifespan, resistance to disease and poison, and tends to be liked by animals.
Like most Touhou characters, she is capable at using danmaku - which is, essentially, firing a lot of energy bullets all over the place to fight enemies. Hers are called spiritual bullets, which she uses either individually, or in streams of red energy that look pretty much like lasers.
Like the other users of danmaku, she is very good at grazing - dodging attacks.
Her main ability (every character from Touhou has one “speciality”) is controlling the soil - raising large slabs of rock, making huge rocks float at a high speed around her, and of course earthquakes. She also stole the Sword of Hisou, and made it hers.
The sword is an energy blade without a specific form and can appear - and vanish - at will. Its special property is that everyone is weak to it. If Tenshi can gather enough spiritual energy, she could change the weather temporarily through the sword.
Yes, Tenshi does have a lot of abilities, even for a Touhou character.
Sample:[Context: Someone has caused a large problem, and made a world vanish. An NPC was assassinated using horrible poison, and a player character got framed for it while several NPCs, including a dragon, were obstructing. Tenshi called one out on it.
I picked this log in particular because it was fairly popular in the RPG it is from, because it contains an unplanned large-scale battle between an NPC and my character, and because it illustrates the way Tenshi uses to annoy others very well.]