alrighty... well heres some more pics of our fabulous girls' night/adi's birthday
mah babies!
the lovely christina and myself
then i jumped on
senior eastside band girls... best in the world! (ok that ones a strech)
pretty pretty
we are fabulous, i must admit.
Happy Birthday Adi!!!
hot tub time!
ashley, me, and... her thing.
all those other hot chicks!
sleepy time! (not really)
good morning! (chelly looks so happy)
in other news, i triiied to get my senior portrait done today, but nooo. i get all ready, have my casual outfit and everything, then i get there and theres a sign and an irate lady telling me that the photographer had the flu and i had to come back thursday. ever heard of a telephone people?? needless to say i was not a happy camper.
i saw adi in the mall today. we are so cool.
my sister has been at basketball camp all week and it has been fabulous! my mom and i have done all kinds of crazy shopping and eating all the mexican food we want.
ive been to the lake with my boy a few times. always fun. oh, and i am now the queen of tubing behind a jetski.
last week chelsea and i saw 4 little baby birdies over the langford's garage. they were very cute. yesterday, they were dead in the driveway. pest control. we mourned, and chelsea buried them. RIP little Reginald, Fred, Laqueshia, and Alice.
and finally, im going to california 2 weeks from this saturday! yipee!