Kinkfest - Sat & Sun

Apr 03, 2006 07:32

Ok, here it is finally, finishing up writing of Kinkfest... now a full week ago. This had existed as rough notes in a word processor file most of the week, and now it's written up. Hope you like it, and I'm sorry to be so brief about so many things that deserve more time than I can afford to write.


Got up early Saturday morning to work (on Kinkfest), mostly opening up the area for the vendors. Ar came over a little later, and I made a quick trip back to the hotel room while she got registration going. Came back and headed to the workshop she'd talked about, but she wasn't there. That workshop wasn't quite what I'd hoped for, and talking with others afterward, they also felt it was disorganized.

We headed out for lunch. Tried to go across the street, but the Mary Kay women were everywhere, creating massively long lines. So we walked, first to Stanfords (also long lines of mostly MK women), and then to the court court at the mall. Realized time was passing by and hurried back to Kinkfest, where I was scheduled to bottom for Nina's workshop.

I ought to write in detail about getting fucked in the ass by Nina Hartley. Briefly, it was fun, though she was gentle and I like it a little rough. Imagine that :-) She talked to the audience while having me on a bench on the stage. There were about 150, maybe 200 people watching. Ar had given Nina her big purple dildo to use on me... which was a little larger than any of the ones she'd brought with her. She first put a finger in a felt around, telling everyone where she was touching. She commented I was tight, and wondered if that big dildo would go in. Ar said "oh, he'll loosen up as you get going", and everyone laughed. Soon she had 2 fingers in.

She had me on my back, legs spread, and she was kneeling between them. Missionary-like position, certainly a position Ar doesn't do (Ar usually stands and has me on the edge of the bed). So this was quite different than what I'm used to. Nina was pretty worried about me, and said she was going to hold still and I had to back up onto the dick. Definitely not how Ar does it! At first I was pretty confused, but she explained it again saying I had to move. Ok, I thought, and I scooted back a bit and it slipped in pretty easy. Much easier than usual. The finger massaging really did make quite a difference. Nina seemed pretty surprised for a moment, then the fucking began.

She asked Ar (sitting in the front row) if it was ok to kiss me, and much to my surprise she said yes. Next thing I knew, she was over me, we were kissing and she was slowly rocking the dildo in and out. Well, then after a bit, she talked about several other positions to the crowd, and did a few of them. We moved around a couple times. One position, I can't recall exactly which one, had her thrusting quite a bit faster, and I was moaning quite a bit.

Overall, maybe 10 minutes fucking in front of everyone... by Nina. Later we talked. She said next time she'll be a lot rougher, but it's no polite in the porn industry to do that sort of thing with someone on the first time! I hope there's a next time, maybe next year?

After getting off the stage, took a quick trip to the bathroom to wipe off the lube, and returned for the rest of her workshop, where she did more strapon fucking with a woman, vaginal only.

Brief break between afternoon workshops, then Ar and I went to one on D/s. I was so tired, and the speakers were talking so slow. I was starting to drift in only a few minutes. I asked Ar if I could go back to the hotel room for a quick nap, and she granted my request. She later said that workshop seemed to drag on forever, though there were some good points on a few things.

Work up to my cell phone buzzing across the table. It was a little after 5. I woke up startled, but even just an hour of sleep really helped. The vendors were wanting to shut down, and I had to be there to make it happen. Got dressed and ran back over. Took a little while, but within 30 minutes it was all taken care of.

We had agreed to do a mummification demo before the party, and there wasn't a lot of time left. We slipped over to Red Robin across the street, and found a little space in the bar. Quick food, and a stop by the hotel for toys, and we arrived only a little late for the demo.

In just a few minutes, Ar had the hood on and the sleep sack pulled over me, and I was laying there on a bench, on display, able to hear, but unable to see.

Many people touched me. Ar got out the rubber polish and together with a friend (bamboonoir), they polished the sleepsack back to what must have been a quite impressive shiny black. At least that's what I heard them and others commenting on.

Ar was letting pretty much anyone touch me. It was the demo, afterall, and it's fun no knowing who's touching. Pretty soon, someone was sitting on me, and I heard Sariel ask if this counted as secure bondage for tickling (one of my few "hard limits" is tickling without secure bondage). It counted, and from that point on, it seemed like almost all the touching from everyone was tickling. Often quite relentless tickling. The rubber is fairly thick and it absorbs some of the motion, but I'm so terribly ticklish on my tummy, and it didn't take them all very long to experiment and really get to me.

I started getting hot and sweaty inside the sack. Nothing I could do about it though. I wondered if I'd be such a mess that I might have to go back to the hotel room for a quick shower. Ar kept in the sack+hood and on display for a while, probably a ways into the party. But eventually she did let me out, and we'd brought enough small towels I was able to dry off ok.

After getting out and drying off, I was talking with a new girl. She's been to just a couple munches and this was her first party. She was not sure if she was a top or bottom, so I asked "well, why not try a little spanking and see if you like topping". Asked Ar if it was ok, and in minutes we were at a spanking horse on the side of the room. Ar gave her a bit of instruction and she was spanking for a little while. But she wasn't so sure of herself, and in a while Ar was doing pretty much all the spanking.

Somewhere in all that, she put cuffs on my arms while this new girl was spanking, and soon my arms where chained to the underside of the horse. Ar started spanking quite a bit harder, and I was screaming and writhing. I couldn't turn to look back so much, and suddenly the spanking got a lot harsher, much more stingy. I instantly knew this wasn't any of our normal paddles. I asked, and Ar kept whacking away for a bit, then showed me this new red rubber paddle she'd purchased (from "Whippy Gear", I think). She had quite a laugh at my surprise. In a little while, she was using yet another new toy! Again, really nasty. I think it's rubber. It's certainly a thick, flexible cane. It tends to wrap a bit, and it really hurts where the end of it hits me.

Turns out Ar had purchased these items earlier when I was napping, and she snuck them in while I was bound up unside the sleepsack and couldn't see due to the hood. Devious :-)

Spanking and caning continued for a while. I think a few people she knew came by and she let them whack my ass a little. Couldn't turn around to see, with my arms locking my chest down onto the horse.

We finished up there, and walked around for a bit. Lots of people everywhere. Crowded, but not so bad as the years Kinkfest had been at the Ace of Hearts. Talked with people we knew. Among them, one woman who's into age play was dressed in a great fairy costume, mostly white, with wings on her back. She told quite a funny story about being mistaken by the Mary Kay women as part of their group. Many of them had these giant fairy-like wands with big colors starts on the ends... and she really wanted to get one of them! Lots of nasty talk about squicking the Mary Kay women!

Eventually we found an empty bench in the other room of the dungeon, and grabbed it. A few people had made play plans with us, but they were busy elsewhere, or nowhere to be found. So we decided to just play and if they came by, fine, otherwise we'd just keep going on without them.

Ar spanked me again, with the old and new paddle. For a quite a long time. The time just seemed to pass by so quickly, though she was certainly spanking for quite a long time. Sariel (sariel_bound) came by and was happy to hold my legs down, and assisted Ar in other little ways, but she wasn't going to be hitting me this night. Others came by. We been playing for hours and I was still quite in the mood, but a little too tired to look up. And they were usually holding me down anyway. So several people were doing nasty things, mostly to my ass and legs, and I no idea who. At one point, Nina came by and spanked me, though I didn't know it was her at the moment. Then she lay across my back and I saw it was her, while someone else paddled away quite hard, making my squirm under her.

Ar was tired and it seemed we would be stopping soon. Then one of the people we'd agreed to play with came by. It was Ryalth (ryalth). My ass was pretty much done for the evening, but Ar let her use canes on my legs. I think this was her first time topping, and I must say she did really well. Ar gave her some tips about caning, and pretty soon she was really getting into caning my legs. She got going really, really fast, and was still able to strike pretty hard going so rapidly. What fun :-)

When we finally finished up, it was after midnight. We'd been playing most of the time, since arriving around 7:40! We put the toys in the back of Ar's car, which had been parked at the event, rather than carry those heavy bags back over to the hotel. Gave Sariel a ride home again, then joined Ar back at the hotel room. We paid a bit extra for a room with a tub/spa, and I got in the tub with her for just a little while, then we crashed on the bed.


Got up early again on Sunday morning, to open up the event for the vendors to set up. This time they were serving coffee, which I was soooooo glad to get 2 cups before the first workshop.

Went to a workshop. I thought I'd meet Ar there (she stayed at the hotel to sleep in, since she didn't have to set up registration on the final day). But Ar decided at the last minute to sit in on a different one. Again, this first workshop seemed a little disorganized to me, though a friend who went felt parts of it really resonated with her. I think it was supposed to be on something else, but much of it turned about to be about needing to be more accepting and not force people in the BDSM scene into fixed stereotypes. Or something like that. Maybe being so early just wasn't doing it for me. Anyway, the highpoint for me at least was when the presenter made a comment of praise about the "ask me to play" stickers I'd printed up. (Star shaped, 3 neon colors, printed with "I'm a top, ask my to play tonight", "I'm a bottom, ask me to play", "I'm a switch...") Apparently others liked them too and maybe some folks even hooked up to play who might not have otherwise?

Met up with Ar. Neither of us were very hungry, so we just stayed there during the lunch time. Had an offer to go to lunch with boxofchaos, which I sorta wish we'd taken. Maybe another time. We truly weren't hungry at all, and it'd been a long weekend, so just hanging out seemed easier than walking to a restaurant (and likely long lines again if the Mary Kay women were around). Ar cleaned up registration stuff, and I made a trip back to the hotel room to check out and put all our remaining stuff in my car.

Went to Betka's cunt torture workshop. Ar suggested we go, which was quite a surprise. It was quite a visual presentation, and we were tired enough that sitting though another "just a lecture" was going to be painful... and not in a good, kinky painful kind of way. Betka had a projector and huge screen set up, so everyone could see a giant image of the nasty things she was doing to her partner.

Again, short break. Told the vendors they could shut down whenever they wanted to. Then we went to Master Skip's presentation. Yes, it was "just a lecture", but he's really an amazing speaker. So organized, and such a good mixture of humor, serious talk, conversing with the audience. Again, pretty deep stuff. Not sure if I agree so much, but I could go on and on if I got into it, so I'm going to just leave it at that to get this post wrapped up.

Master Skip went longer that scheduled. By the time I got back downstairs, the vendors were mostly packing up. I was willing to let them go longer, but it was over, and the layout of the building didn't bring them people who where heading on their way out. Still, it took a while and we waited around.

We headed out for dinner with a friend, and got a couple much-needed drinks. Talked about plans for Burning Man.

Finally, we got back home, carried in all the stuff, and soon went to bed.

Impressions About Working:

Overall, we got to actually do stuff and have fun at Kinkfest this year. Much better than the last two, where Ar and I worked pretty much the whole time.

Still, it was stressful, though differently. This year there was more tension with some others, which I'm not going to go into here. But it did sort of color the whole experience. I think it also let us just let go of doing so many extra things at the event. There's never a shortage of little problems to be addressed, though this year seemed to go more smoothly than prior years.

Next year, definitely not planning to be on the planning committee, or even volunteer at all. It's just too much, and not fun to work on the event anymore.

sariel, ryalth, nina

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