Stolen from
sillyceceliaI think this is it :D
1. Finish a scrapbook
2. Get my 2 year degree (and continue on, but just in case...) They counted my 300 level art class as a substitution for a basic course! Yay! This way, if we do have to move, I don't have to worry about most of my credits transferring!
3. Buy a house Oh yeah! We moved in on 10-17-09 but didn't get all of our stuff over until 10-26-09. I'm busy, so I'm counting the later date for the unpacking goal (101) since we didn't have everything over, and were taking care of the apartment :P
4. Make a wall hanging (sewing)
5. Make a small blanket (sewing) Went to my first quilting retreat this spring, and made a lap sized quilt!
6. Make a large blanket (sewing)
7. Make an intricate wall hanging (sewing)
8. Take a road trip to someplace new Went to Nebraska for the first time. It was long, but less boring than people said it would be.
9. Learn to drive a stick shift
10. Go backpacking and camping (not in a campground)
11. Visit Alaska
12. Visit one foreign country
13. See the Northern Lights
14. Get in shape
15. See the ocean On our awesome roadtrip! (June 23-27, 2010)
16. See mountains up close On our awesome roadtrip! (June 23-27, 2010)
17. Get pregnant (not right away, but sometime in here)
18. Get wedding album put together (I'm so bad)
19. Make myself an item of clothing
20. Create an etsy shop
21. Get another piercing
22. Make a garden I just realized that my house came with one of these, filled with perennials, and I am leaving everything this year to see what comes in.
23. Fly a kite
24. Go to the circus
25. Fill an mp3 player with my music all the way. As in, no more room.
26. Beat Bioshock on hard without saving for the final achievement
27. Buy a bike (well, 2 so that Andy and I can ride together <3) We got mountain bikes for christmas from Andy's parents!
28. Buy rollerblades to run with Teddy
29. Try escargot Sauteed them in butter with garlic and onions, and I don't remember what else. They were pretty good.
30. Go to a real hotsprings
31. Ride a horse, without someone holding the reins
32. Make it through the whole storyline of the first three Halo games
33. Eat moose
34. Eat buffalo
35. Try cooking quail They were very tiny, looked like baby chicks D: cooked easy, very delicious, TOO MANY BONES.
36. Go to a musical We got to see Riverdance! Soooo worth it!
37. Read all of Jane Austen's finished novels
38. Re-read all of the Harry Potter series Ahh, so good!
39. Get tested for allergies (the thought of all those needles!!!)
40. Color an entire coloring book
41. Take photos in one of those booth things
42. Go to a play Since Riverdance counted as a musical, Either Rent or Beauty and the Beast count for this one.
43. Travel by bus in Minneapolis (I'm holding Cathy to this)
44. Buy an antique
45. Photograph or draw one vacation/ road trip On our awesome roadtrip! (June 23-27, 2010) I took sooo many photos!
46. Have a piece of my art exhibited
47. Acquire a Wii
48. Donate blood (again, needles)
49. Get a passport (you never know when one might be handy...)
50. Swim across the lake and back at my grandparent's cabin *edit* 2009 swam all the way across the lake, vomited, but made it to the other side. How on earth am I supposed to go all the way back? By the way, it's at least a mile wide. It's a BIG lake.
51. Buy a big thing of play-dough, even though I have no kids
52. Make a giant photo collage. Huge.
53. Make the rag time quilt Mom has been wanting
54. Make a corset
55. Do the Thank You cards for our wedding (seriously, I'm a horrible person) Instead of spending the money on stamps and cards, we saved a girl from sexual slavery.
56. Buy kayaks for the lake
57. Get Andy to play Monopoly with me Andy saw this list, so when DJ asked if we would go over and play games, he said yes! And to my surprise, we have done it a couple other times as well :D
58. Read all of Anne Rice's current books
59. Go to the Vagina Monologues with Cathy (They show it around Valentine's Day every year at SCSU)
60. Write a real haiku
61. Make a costume to wear to the Renaissance Festival
62. Collect 50 good books for collection *books so far: 14*
63. Learn how to create fused glass beads/pendants surprisingly easy, and fun!
64. Mend everything in the 'mend' pile
65. Go on a road trip with no destination in mind, just drive! On our awesome roadtrip! (June 23-27, 2010) I'm counting this because we knew what we wanted to see, but drove around and picked locations as we went. As in: I want to see the ocean (we were in Seattle) hmm... okay, where should we head to? Let's go this way (and on the way we picked a random little town) I'm counting it!
66. Make a contribution to the cabin
67. Sing karaoke
68. Get a tattoo that means something to me
69. Knit a queen size blanket
70. Learn to increase/decrease with knitting It was cute. I knit a mini pair of panties, but then unravelled it. I should have kept it, but it was in the yarn I want to use for a sweater :P
71. Knit a shirt
72. Start eating healthier (can cross off after at least one month of healthier eating)
73. Start having confidence in public
74. Have a period without medication (lofty, but I'm determined to make my body work) It was just a bunch of spotting, but it was awesome. I'm counting it, and I'm proud of my body.
75. Sew a big purse (like the one KC designed for Mary)
76. Make and can my own jam
77. Get a tomato plant and make it survive this year (2009) I got a tomato plant to survive, but never got to eat any of the tomatoes D: the chipmunks kept eating them!
78. Own a kick-butt washer and dryer They may not be the fanciest, but gosh darn it, they really do kick butt!
79. Find new interesting mint plants to grow
80. Go to the Minnesota Zoo
81. Try something new with my hair (like dye it for the first time?) I got my hair layered and framed around my face, and got red and copper low-lights!
82. Ride on a train
83. Plant a lilac bush when I buy said house Once again, our house came with a huge lilac bush!
84. Make something at least two feet tall out of clay I made a nice big wall piece in ceramics. It's gotta be at least 5 feet wide and tall.
85. Make something in ceramics that is not functional, purely ornamental I made these awesome wall decorations for our house.
86. Make homemade pumpkin pie Oh my goodness, mom was going to use a can of pumpkin. A CAN! So I brought over one of my pumpkins, and made it happen. SO DELICIOUS!!!
87. Make homemade icecream
88. Get my legs waxed (just to see how it feels for myself)
89. Try frog's legs
90. Cook something and make it look artistic
91. Clean a deer
92. Make homemade beer cheese soup
93. Try yoga
94. Save at least one girl from sexual slavery for our wedding thank-yous.
95. Own every episode of Scrubs
96. Make my family get my grandfather a headstone after nearly two years since his death, he finally has a headstone!
97. Decorate child's gender-neutral bedroom when we have our house
98. Paint something that doesn't look like crap
99. Find a vibrating teething ring (had one but mom said that I could always find another and I gave it to my cousin's baby) It was kind of weird. I have been looking for a new one for over a year, and mom prayed that God would reward my generosity, and the next day I found one. Even though they had not heard of one days before. O.o
100.Find Bach prelude 1 in C major for saxophone
101.When we have a house, have everything unpacked in under two months Just in time, DONE!
After looking at at least a thousand lists of goals, I have realized that 1) most people want to do the same things in life and 2) a majority of people want to have skinnydipped. I totally recommend it, it's so different :D and also 3) I have things that I want to do that will never be public knowledge ;P