
Apr 09, 2012 21:00

Because one person requesting to see baby pictures means you ALL get to see baby pictures!

Heeeere's peanuts )

tv: the mentalist, tv: random fandom, tv: fringe, tv: justified

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peanutbutterer April 10 2012, 04:54:48 UTC
They do resemble monkeys...


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peanutbutterer April 10 2012, 05:00:01 UTC
Fairly Legal is cute. The law stuff is sometimes questionable, but I enjoy the actors and it's your typical USA fluff entertainment.

In Plain Sight is about halfway through the final season.

New Girl was a marathon for me one day when I was bored and couldn't sleep. The characters have grown on me - mostly the supporting ones. The main girl I could take or leave, though when I watched the pilot I wanted to punch her.

The Mentalist is sort of shippy! You can check my tumblr for gifs of all the shippy parts. Plus there's one where he puts on her coat for her, which I don't think I've reblogged. Don't judge me. It's the little things! We fangirls eat that shit up!

Breaking In: Yeah, she's a little annoying and I'm not wild about her assistant either. But I love all the guys. I do Miss Melanie though. I imagine she left because she was in House (I think) for a while. Maybe she'll come back or they'll find a new badass lock-picking girl to replace her.

It says a lot about Justified that I still worship it even though my ( ... )


peanutbutterer April 10 2012, 05:02:51 UTC
I will think of a prompt for you!


hariboo April 10 2012, 04:41:21 UTC
Winston!!! I love him so much, but omg yes on Korra. Korra is the biggest badass in town.

I heard about Fringe but I haven't watched in week, which mean a marathon! But Scandal. I haven't watched yet, but I think I should be checking it out.

THE PEANUTS ARE ADORABLE. The littlest peanut looks so confused by the biggest one. "Who is this dude?!" I read on that face.


peanutbutterer April 10 2012, 05:06:49 UTC
Winston is so awesome. He makes that show for me. And sometimes Nick, too.

I really like Scandal. The characters are interesting and the dialogue is quick. It's kind of West Wingy. It's not (so far) the overly dramatic soapy Grey's Anatomy type of drama you'd expect from Shonda, so that's a good start. (Okay, there's one plot line that is, but I'm ignoring it.)



oparu April 10 2012, 09:42:10 UTC
AWWWWW kidlets!!!


world_of_blade April 10 2012, 17:15:22 UTC
soooooooo dang cute!

You have such and awesome family!!


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