Fandom: Sherlock Holmes
Pairing: None. Gen.
Word count: 872
Notes: Fun. I seem to recall it was going to be crack!fic of some variety but I don't remember now where I was going with it. Yet another fic I have failed to finish for poor Ivan.
To be required by Holmes for even the most trivial of reasons promised a breath of relief from the house calls to influenza patients. )
Comments 8
See - Tea again!
I love the way you write - you absolutely capture the way the original stories were written.
Oh, yes please.
... and you're making me blush, thank you so much!
(And I'll admit to wondering what caused the damage. I do love WIPs!)
I mostly put this stuff up for my friends to read, but every now and then getting comments from other people who've stumbled across my stuff and liked it is wonderful!
I think i might have been going for a War of the Worlds/Sherlock Holmes crossover when I started this! They're roughly contemporary, after all! :S
Please tell me there's more?
I can almost imagine A.C.D writing this, your writing style is very close to the canon, and the tea comment was a classic, even though I prefer coffee myself!
BTW sorry this is late, I only just found this!
There's no more at the moment... but for some reason this is the second comment I've got on this fic in the last two days, so it's making me wonder if life isn't trying to tell me something :D
No seriously, you should write more of this.
Hmmm... I just answered all your replies one after the other.
I guess I'm so talkative because I've got a throat infection and can't talk???
Or maybe doing this makes me feel like I'm doing something productive instead of tidying my room or homework or working on my fic....gah!
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