Title: On the Sidelines
Fandom: Chaotic Butterfly
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: groping
Length: 412
Disclaimer: Characters are loaned out to me by
mousapelli. She's nice enough to let me play with them. <3
Author's Notes: Just a random drabble as I stare at the other fics I am working on.
The heat of the lighting always made Seiji warm. )
Comments 3
Anyway! I love the dynamic between them so incredibly much (and on a side note, how do you write so fast? I'm always a little in awe. Goodness, this is the ADD comment from hell :). <3<3<3<3
Also, you set yourself up in the last paragraph for a sequel. HOW ABOUT THAT.
ALSO ALSO, I can now edit when I comment with the wrong icon. AWESOME.
( ... )
and also, he'd be all squishy about leaving a legacy that gets handed down through the jrs, letting them grow into their own roles and such.
I'M NOT SURE HOW YOU BASICALLY WRITE PORN AND I GET ALL SCHMOOPY ABOUT IT. but um. HOT. COSTUME RACK. YES. i love how i turned that into like a fandom cliche with a single Kame/Yabu fic.
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