Don't mind me. I'm just making a list of fic that I need to work on before the year is up or when I can. I've started on a lot of them. I at finishing them. D:
je_holiday fic - 1000 words min. - pairing: not telling - due: Dec. 1
nuna_fanworks fic - 500 words min. - pairing: DBSK - not telling - due: Dec. 15
Akai Ito - AI with O RLY? and WHY NOT? for Ichi-Band Weekly practice
Akai Ito - Seiji does yoga and Kurota joins in. 12/12/07
Akai Ito - Kurota gets them caught with the fangirls in LA and Seiji shows exactly how well he can top.
Akai Ito - AI gives Goto a private lesson on how to move his hips.
Akai Ito - AI is out relaxing at one of their favorite clubs and sees one of the new Koreans. They decide to welcome him in their own special style.
Akai Ito - Seiji likes hearing his name with the Korean mode of respect. [need to expand.]
Birthday Fics - 2 PIN, 1 w-inds.
RV-verse - Sequel. :|
RV-verse - drabble on Yasuda ("Yassan! Call me Yassan!) and Subaru.
RV-verse - Shige and Nishikido battle it out to see who can dance better. Loser gets punished in an interesting way.
RV-verse - Nishikido and Uchi. something about them. :-P
drabbles from this post for everyone.
one line drabble meme from here
practice writing DBSK so that my DBSK fic won't fail miserably. D: didn't even come close to doing this. D:
practice writing [CENSORED] so that my je_hol fic won't fail as well. ;_; totally failed y0. T_T
finish up the first round of 1 hr fic. Jin needs their attention too.
finish up the second round of 1 hr fic.
edit the third round.
Something about Catlady!Iso/JE boys. >.>
list is subject to change since I am a thing full of fail. woes. encouragement is appreciated. Bunnies, however, are not. At least, not until half of the list is gone. *stares at it blankly*
Also a link to Iso's fic-to-do list so we can poke encourage her to finish. :D
updated 12/17/07