Round FOUR

Dec 26, 2007 19:11

Hey everyone! Another 1 hr fic/porn challenge! This time, I was too busy staring at pictures of Yamapi and Jin to really write much.

This round was great fun with more people! Check out their work too!

spurious: here
tinyangl: here
jackoweskla: here
inevitabilityy: here
anamuan: here

;alsfkj;aslf. I am sad I didn't really get that deep into the pron. T_T

word count: 1299

Jin and Yamapi have always talked about attending each other's concerts and going on stage and singing a song together. They would laugh about it while picking out songs to sing during karoake.

They even had a song picked out, one from each group, that they could sing decently well to, including different harmonies. Ryo merely laughed at them, telling them that they were idiots before harmonizing with them. Yuu merely smiled and listened, pointing out where they sounded funny or out of tune.

Then the NewS winter concerts began and Jin began wrapping things up with his drama. They became busy, pausing now and then to meet each other for lunch or for coffee in between their incredibly busy schedule.

After the new year, Jin's schedule was surprisingly light for a week.

He decided to surprise Yamapi by showing up at a concert.

Arriving at the Tokyo Dome, he headed towards the dressing rooms, smiling at familiar faces and pausing to greet the main staff along the way. Finally, he made it the dressing just as Tegoshi and Koyama finished a scale

Popping his head in, he smiled as Ryo noticed him.
"Here to be humbled by our greatness, Jin?"

"Nah, I'm here to crash your party and show the shorty who is cooler." Jin responded back, coming into the room with a soft swagger in his steps. He clapped a hand on Ryo's back. "Hey everyone! Good luck with your concert!"

Yamapi came behind him, throwing a friendly arm around Jin's neck and grinning widely. "Come to make good on your word, Bakanishi?"

"Maybe. Which word?" Jin laughed, thrusting his hip against Yamapi's.

"The one where you acknowledge the greatness that is NewS."

"No, the greatness that is me." Ryo corrected, his hips moving away from Jin as he tried to bump into him.

"Who's going to think you're great, Ryo-chan. You're still so tiny!" Jin mocked before ducking behind Yamapi.

Ryo cried out in mock outrage before giving chase to Jin, forgetting about his usual pre-performance butterflies.

The rest of NewS watched as Jin successfully evaded Ryo's evil grasp, the tension in the air relaxing. Yamapi broke up the friendly fight by wrapping an arm around Jin's neck and dragging him out the door as Ryo laughingly told Jin to "go and be a plebian in the crowd!", the door shutting the sound of chatter rising amongst the members.

Yamapi took a quick glance around and half-dragged Jin to a smaller room where racks of costumes waited, clean and pressed. He pushed Jin up against the wall and grinned.

"Gonna do it?" he asked.

Jin stared at Yamapi. A slow lick of his lips and a smile later. "Of course. And if I do, you're paying for dinner."

Yamapi leaned in close and took a long swipe at Jin's lips. "Sure. But I get to top."

"What? How is that fair!?" Jin pressed himself against Yamapi, hands sliding under the loose jacket.

"It's my concert, so I get to top." Yamapi told him smugly. "It's not a KAT-TUN concert so you don't get to top."

Jin raised a perfect eyebrow (he just had them done before the arriving at the concert) and gave a firm thrust against Yamapi's hips. "Oh really?"

"Really." Yamapi gave up the pretense of ignoring Jin's hips and Jin's hard cock pressed against his own and began to grind against him, kissing him firmly.

Jin moaned into the kiss, hands gripping Yamapi's belt and tugging him closer.

Hands tugging Jin's shirt up slightly to tug on the dark trail of hair low on jin's belly, Yamapi nibbled on plush lips as he ground against Jin.

The call to go on stage came mere seconds after Jin plunged a hand into Yamapi's pants, hand curled around a heavy and comforting cock. Yamapi gave a frustrated growl, making Jin tingle with desire. Regretfully, he pulled his hand out, fixing Yamapi's clothes as he kissed him one last time.

"Keep that warm for me while you're on stage." Jin said cheekily, patting Yamapi's bulge, fingering it lightly.

"i'll show you." Yamapi continued to growl.

"Promises, promises." Jin grinned, his tongue between his teeth as he moved towards the door. "One of these days, you're gonna have to keep them, you know."

Yamapi smacked JIn's ass as he walked through the door, hands fiddling with his hair as he walked towards the NewS group huddle. "See you after the concert, Bakanishi. Don't steal too many of my fangirls."

Jin merely flashed him a peace sign, crinkling them slightly in bunny ears as he strolled out to the concert hall to find his place.

Later on, right after Jin watched the huge fountain drench each member of News, Jin shifted, silently planning to pounce Yamapi and drag him behind the costume rack to finish what they started.

He watched as the droplets of water slid down Yamapi's bared chest, the small curves of muscle of Yamapi's abs as he sang. Biting his lip, Jin watched impassively, his eyes clinging to every droplet of water dripping down Yamapi's neck and down his chest.

Then Yamapi and Ryo called out his name, motioning him to come onto the stage.

Unexpectedly caught in the middle of a fantasy, Jin ducked his head, his hair swinging forward to hide the gleam of desire in his eyes and pursed lips. He followed a stage hand, grabbing a live mic before heading onto the stage, a smile firmly fixed on his face as he prayed for his erection to go down enough for the fangirls not to focus on his crotch. Good thing he was wearing a plaid shirt around his waist.

As the strains to Best Friend started up, Yamapi slung an arm around Jin's shoulder and squeezed. Ryo merely grinned widely, evading Jin's attempt to hook a finger in his belt before bumping his shoulder against Jin's.

The crowd screamed at their laughing looks and flailed even more excitedly as they began to sing, harmonzing like they practiced in smoky karoake rooms months ago.

Another duet with Yamapi later and Jin found himself grinning at the crowd, eyes wide with excitement as he disappeared to the dressing room to wait.

He didn't have very much longer to wait. Spinning around on the chair, Jin sang the chorus to Best Friend, roughening his voice sexily just as Yamapi crashed into the room.

Yamapi yanked on Jin's arm, pulling him towards another room and slamming Jin up against the wall. Still dripping wet, Yamapi kissed Jin hard and quick.

Jin responded immediately, playing with the trail of water on Yamapi's heated skin. He pushed Yamapi, turning him around and pushing him against the wall as he quickly undid the belt, pulling the pants down low enough for the tip of Yamapi's cock to be exposed.

He licked a trail down Yamapi's body, sucking the water, tasting the metallic tang of sweat and Yamapi and wanting more. Nipping lower and lower, Jin's chin brushed against the tip of Yamapi's cock, causing him to moan and tilt his head backwards against the wall.

Jin looked up, a wicked grin curling about his lips. He blew on the tip before lapping at it delicately, delighting in the shudders and moans as Yamapi tightened his grip on Jin's shoulders.

Deciding that he didn't really have enough time to play with Yamapi the way he wanted, Jin sucked in the tip. Yamapi bucked up towards the warm heat and cried out softly.

Jin pushed further down as far as he could, his tongue swirling around the thick cock. Yamapi transferred his grip from Jin's shoulder to his fluffy hair, pushing up in a silent demand. Jin gave a quick squeeze of Yamapi's ass before he started to suck.

monthly challenge, writing, jin makes everything better, fic, i challenge you!, 1hr writing challenge, pin

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