(no subject)

Feb 14, 2008 18:24

Title: Chocolates and Pancakes
Author: pearljemz
Fandom: NewS/KAT-TUN
Pairing: PIN (Yamapi/Jin)
Rating: NC-17 for Jin and his stripper ways.
Word Count: 2420
Notes: Written for the 24 Hour Valentine's Day Challenge in my Rotational Values universe. I hope this doesn't suck. Unbeta'd but proofread.

They agreed not to exchange presents for Valentine's Day.

Instead, Yamapi took Jin to a small but stylish restaurant, filled with tempting aromas of delicious food.

Picking Jin up at the club, after Jin finished his tutoring sessions with wannabe dancers, YamaPi waited in a sleek, silver Mercedes. He was a bit anxious, feeling that tonight was special despite the fact that they were together so much. They had jankened about the evening, with Yamapi winning the dinner portion and Jin with the after-dinner entertainment. So, Yamapi did a bit of research during work. After all, what good does the son of Japan's top marketing firm do if he wasn't able to find exactly what he wanted when he needed it?

So when Jin slid into the passenger seat, bright smiles and brighter eyes, Yamapi smiled, pushing his anxiety to one corner of his mind and summoning up all the excitement he had felt for the event all morning.

Yamapi could see the excitement in Jin's demeanor, leaning over to steal a soft kiss and inhaling Jin's favorite cologne. Happiness trickled down Yamapi's spine as Jin leaned into the kiss, deepening it briefly.

"Mmm. Hello, lover boy." Jin murmured against Yamapi's lips. "If this is the type of greeting for just going out to dinner, we should do it more often instead of you cooking pasta for me."

Yamapi laughed, lips still pressed against Jin's. "You smell and taste good. I couldn't resist."

Jin's smile grew wider against Yamapi's lips, still kissing him softly in between words. "But I'm hungry. The kids were just not paying attention today and I had to imagine I was grinding up against you to show them the difference between what they were doing to what a real pro does it." Jin broke away slightly to nuzzle against Yamapi's nose. "I think Taipi's going to give Uchi some stiff competition."

"Hmm. How can anyone not pay attention to your hips, Jin?" Yamapi's hands slid down to pinch teasingly at the small strip of skin between Jin's shirt and tight pants.

Jin batted away Yamapi's hands, laughing a bit before pushing Yamapi back into his seat. "Well, they didn't since they were too busy making calf eyes at each other! But, Pi," Jin's voice took on a higher whine. "I'm hungry! Let's go and eat already!"

"Alright!" Yamapi moved back to concentrate on driving when Jin suddenly leaned over and kissed him hard, his hand palming Yamapi's soft cock through his pants. Startled, he kissed back,sliding a hand into Jin's hair to grip tightly as he bucked into that firm, teasing grip.

When Jin was satisfied with the results in hand, he drew back to bite Yamapi's earlobe. "Happy Valentine's Day, Pi." Jin whispered. He sat back in his seat and buckled himself in, a smug smirk lurking on the corners of his mouth. "Foooooood! HERE WE COME!"

Yamapi grumbled slightly, his cock hard and straining against the dark gray slacks. His stomach growled and he started driving, the navigational system chiming in where to go as Jin stared at the buildings and people out the window.

At the restaurant, they were ushered into a small, private room. Jin looked around at the decorations, eyes absorbing the soft, mute colors in approval.

Yamapi had called in the menu beforehand, ordering the best the restaurant had to offer. The drinks came first, a bottle of champagne that Jin liked from a party that Yamapi's fathers threw to celebrate being number one in Japan.

He raised his glass, clinking it cheerfully against Jin's and sipped it, appreciating the way the bubbles lingered on his tongue and the light in Jin's eyes as he recognized the taste. One thing from that night Yamapi had found out was that Jin was very, very affectionate when he had too much champagne. And Yamapi was going to capitalize on that fact tonight.

The courses came out slowly, tantalizing aromas that made both of them perk with interest and hungry anticipation. As each plate disappeared, so did level of alcohol in the bottles of champagne. Jin, sat pressed against Yamapi, giggling and flushed, eyes glazed slightly as he drained his glass, waiting for the dessert to come out.

Yamapi slid an arm around Jin, holding him upright before realizing exactly where Jin's hands had wandered to.

He sucked in a deep breath, head tilted back as he enjoyed the soft rub of Jin's soft hands under his shirt. Soft kisses were pressed against his throat, slowly moving up his jawline until even softer lips covered his own. He drank each kiss deeply, arms tightening around Jin as Jin leaned into him.

The waiter was discreet, knocking loudly on the table as he brought in their dessert. Jin untangled himself from Yamapi long enough for a blissful expression cross his face at the scent of the dessert wafting up from the table.

They ate the dessert slowly, savoring it in between kisses and murmured words. Jin refused to go do anything further, leaving Yamapi hard and aching and still fully clothed. A wide and sassy grin from Jin made him think that perhaps the real dessert was yet to come.

"Where to next?" Yamapi asked Jin as they settled into the car, turning it on.

Jin stretched his arms above his head, belly bulging slightly from all the food they ate. "Your place."

"That's your plan for entertainment for the evening?" Yamapi started the car, obediently driving home. "We're just going to go back to my place? And do what?"

"Maybe." Jin checked his cell phone before leaning over to bite Yamapi's ear. "You'll find out soon enough."

They arrived at the door to Yamapi's luxury penthouse apartment. Jin slid his arms around Yamapi, hands slipping into the pockets of Yamapi's pants and watched over his shoulder as Yamapi fumbled with his key. Yamapi looked over his shoulder to see Jin smirking, his hips grinding back into Jin. He stole a quick kiss before opening the door and stopped.

His apartment was flooded with soft candlelight, a golden glow from strategic places -- candles on the coffee table, the dining table, bookshelves, the entertainment center -- and soft jazz music playing. He turned around to look at Jin, who stood there smiling with glee and satisfaction.

"How--," Yamapi stuttered. His eyes watched Jin's expression turn sly and mischievous.

"Well, there are some things a short and hot guy is willing to do." Jin pressed a tongue against one corner of his mouth, an eyebrow raised in mirth. "Especially if he wants to impress a hot, young guy who waits tables at his favorite strip club."

Yamapi smiled. "I think he may need a lap dance and a few drinks from this hot, young guy."

Jin laughed, clear and sweet. He shut the door behind him, eyes darkening slightly. He stalked towards Yamapi, laying a hand on his chest and pushed him backwards into the living room and into a chair.

"Ready for the second part of the night?" Jin gestured to the table, filled with fruits and confections surrounding a small pot of warm chocolate.


"Mmmhmmm. You can eat it off of me." Jin said huskily, fingers on the remote to press play on the stereo system. A low, sexy beat filled the air as a lone saxophone began it's soulful song. Jin moved, shrugging off his jacket, hips swaying to the beat.

Yamapi watched with pleased eyes as Jin danced and stripped for him, greedily watching every inch of skin revealed. Golden in the flickering candlelight, Jin was even more beautiful, the hard planes of his body shadowed as he twisted and turned.

Jin began to undress Yamapi, pulling him up to stand. He tugged open the soft cream shirt, hands smoothing hungrily against Yamapi's skin. Jin breathed against Yamapi's bare back, hips pressed tightly against Yamapi's ass and grinding, as if Yamapi was Jin's personal pole and Jin was dancing for himself.

Slipping nimble fingers down Yamapi's flat stomach, Jin unfastened the belt and pants, pushing them down slightly, his hands holding Yamapi's hips still as Jin mouthed his way down Yamapi's spine and tugging the pants down completely with his mouth and teeth. A sharp nip on Yamapi's ass and Jin stood up again, spinning around in a body roll against Yamapi, cock against hard cock, for a short but teasing kiss.

Yamapi leaned in for another demanding kiss but Jin stopped him, picking up a strawberry and dipping it into the chocolate. Letting the chocolate spill onto his hand, Jin flicked his gaze up at Yamapi, a sharp smile of desire clear on his face, and swirled the berry onto Yamapi's nipple. Taking a bite, Jin's tongue flicked out to lap at the chocolate left on his lips. He offered the rest to Yamapi, his fingers lingering on his lips as Yamapi ate the berry, sucking on the Jin's fingers.

Jin pulled back and pushed Yamapi back into the chair, straddling him as he leaned down to suck on the chocolate covered nipple. Jin moaned, appreciative of the sweetness of the chocolate mixed in with Yamapi's clean, musky taste. Wanting more, Jin dipped a few more berries, swirling soft patterns on Yamapi's chest before feeding Yamapi and himself.

Yamapi groaned at the sight of Jin's tongue lapping at his skin, the soft chocolate melting in that sinfully plush mouth. His hips arched up, rubbing against Jin as he moved lower and lower, tongue following Yamapi's currently non-existent happy trail down.

Jin continued lower, lapping at Yamapi's hard cock with the same short licks he did earlier. At the change of the song, Jin looked straight up into Yamapi's eyes, a slow smirk blooming on his face before he swirled his tongue around the tip, flicking it quickly at the slit until he heard Yamapi moan. It made Jin feel sexy, seeing this powerful man hard and panting with desire beneath him.

Taking Yamapi deep into his mouth, Jin sucked hard. As Yamapi bucked up, eyes nearly shut with intense pleasure, Jin trailed a hand up and down Yamapi's flanks, fingers gripping his hip. Yamapi's hands gripped the arms of the chair until one particular intense coil of pleasure made him cry out, one hand reaching out blindly to slide into Jin's fluffy hair, guiding Jin to do the same thing again.

After a few more intense moments, Yamapi decided to return the favor. Tugging Jin's head up, Yamapi's eyes darken even further as he watched his cock pop free from Jin's bruised lips, his gaze traveling up to see Jin's glazed eyes, pleasure spiraling deep inside them. He manuveured Jin to the couch and pressed him down, picking up a few pieces of fruit to return the favor. Dipping them in warm chocolate, Yamapi dripped thin lines of chocolate onto Jin's pale, pale skin. He fed Jin all the fruit, smoothing chocolate gently on those red lips. He sucked on his own fingers, greedy for any taste of Jin on him.

As Jin watched, Yamapi bent over and began to lick. Long swipes of his tongue, short laps around sensitive nipples, mischievous nips against collarbones, and arousing bites, Yamapi did them all, intent on worshiping Jin's body. Jin moaned, his head tilting from side to side as Yamapi sucked at a particular sensitive area. He sucked in a breath, however, when Yamapi decided he had enough of Jin's skin for the moment and wanted to suck on something else. Warm heat enveloped his cock as a slick hand pressed against his entrance. Jin moaned, greedily spreading his legs wider as Yamapi settled himself to the task of pulling more of the erotic cries of pleasure from Jin's throat.

Yamapi slid a finger inside Jin, prepping him smoothly with more as Jin began to be more vocal, verbalizing exactly how good he was feeling and how wonderful Yamapi's mouth was and how much he wanted Yamapi inside him, moving slow and then fast. Words spilled from Jin's mouth, turning Yamapi on even further. He gave Jin's cock one last hard suck and pulled his fingers out, hands going to slick his own aching cock with lube. Pushing one leg over his shoulder, Yamapi pressed against Jin's entrance and slid in.

They sighed, low and husky. Breaths mingling in short puffs of air, Yamapi moved when Jin opened his eyes, blatant need and lust pulling Yamapi deep into Jin. Moving in unison, Yamapi pressed his forehead against Jin's, eyes watching each other until Jin grinned impishly and rocked out of rhythm, taking control.

Grunts and groans harmonized strangely over the hard beat of the bass still playing throughout the apartment as the candles flickered, casting a moving shadow against the wall as they rocked hard against each other for control. Jin canted his hips one way and froze, shuddering as Yamapi pressed against a spot that made his hands scrabble onto Yamapi's sweat-slicked skin, mouth parted open as a low cry for more emerged.

Yamapi snapped his hips faster, so close to the edge. His grip became a bit harder, his thrusts more rougher, driving deep into Jin's willing body. Jin panted, his head thrashing slightly from side to side as garbled words exchanged between them, electrifying the air between them until Yamapi pressed his hips down, trapping Jin's cock between them. The friction drove Jin over the edge, spilling out with a keen that Yamapi danced to, his moving faster and faster until he fell into the song, a low moan that mingled with Jin's.

That edge of pleasure wrapped around them, blending them together until Yamapi couldn't remember where he ended and Jin began. He collapsed to one side, still careful not to crush Jin beneath him, lips pressed open-mouthed against hot skin, one hand over Jin's rapidly beating heart.

As they cooled down, Jin snuggled closer, unwilling to move away. "We should get up."

"Mmm." Yamapi hummed against Jin's temple. "Don't wanna."

"We're sticky." Jin cracked an eye open.


"Which means that if we can go get clean in the shower together." Jin kissed Yamapi's throat. "And maybe eat some more chocolate covered fruit."

"Mmmmm....only if we can eat them naked again."

"Of course."

Yamapi opened his eyes and smiled, sliding a lock of hair from Jin's face. "And I learned how to make pancakes for the morning."

Jin glowed, deciding that he made the best decision of his life that fateful night. "I'd love some."

fic, i challenge you!

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