Now the image isnt great, it's from my camera phone.
but here:
That's King Louie!!! His hatch date was May 11th of this year, which makes him alittle over 4 months. So he'll still get a wee bit bigger. So far i'm having a blast with him. He has a huge cage that opens up at the top with this little perch, and i made him a toy that he really likes.
I'm just so excited, I've always wanted a bird. More specifically a bird that could mimic, talk, etc..
Finn doesnt mind him at all. Shows absolutely no interest. When Louie get's loud, finn leaves the room.
Java is interested, alittle more than i'd like. I knew she would be, i mean, she chases birds in the yard. She hasn't tried to really get at him, or anything. SHe's just really interested when im messing with his cage. It's in my room, and we all sleep pleasently together. He's overall pretty quiet. He only screetches when he needs something, or wants attention. I think Java is more jealous than anything.
All is well. Welcome Louie!!