Title: Singing
Person: Pearlseed
Disclaimer: None some of mine a’tall
Rating: Easy on the goods
100 words
Summary: Remember the one woman in the hanging line.
I was real proud of how she reacted upon hearing the song.
Damn Beckett's twisted, derelict soul. He had begun to hang and hang and hang pirates, them what signed
the Articles proper, even them what gives safe harbor.
She was afraid.
When she heard the boy begin to sing, she timidly looked, listening hard, her fear suddenly dropping away.
Her voice joined the chorus, full and sweet. She knew the story, she'd never imagined she would hoist her colors,
indeed she had done so all her short, harsh life.
She'd hang today.
Stomping cadence, she raised her head proudly, the light of defiant hope filling her eyes, freeing her chained soul.