Title: Possibilities: An Alternate Universe Drabble Series
Author: Me, Pearlsie (
pearly_dreams )
Length: 1500 (plus one tilde mark that Word counts as another)
Rating: (Gen, Het, and Slash) from G to 14A... about PG-13 all around
Warnings: These drabbles may contain content not suitable for young readers in the form of sexually explicit language and
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Comments 4
Squee. ^^
I've been wondering if I should try to write something with Viking tales and Norse mythology embedded in it -- might sound far-fetched but just for variation, I think all the other seas but the southern ones deserve some credit too ;)
I'd definitely read it! Its a wonderful idea- one I don't think has ever been done before (at least not that I've read) on a scale beyond a ficlet (I once read a ficlet with a touch of Norse mythology to it). Personally, I'd think the Vikings and Norse mythology would be far more likely to affect the Pirates characters- being British and all. And quite right- what's wrong with the good ol' Atlantic? Or the Baltic?
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