The Ten People That Make My Day Awards

Feb 13, 2008 19:36

Ladies and Gentlemen!! Here at Pearl Broadcasting we are proud to present to you a LIVE edition of the Ten People That Make My Day Awards!! In co-operation with our sponser, Slash-a-Celebrity Co., and our partner Hot Royal Navy Officers Ltd. we give you...


Only 10, well alright...

1. queenofspades89 who tagged me, and always makes my day.
2. whiskpirate who is also amazing, and a grand source of litgeeking
3. Mrs_Norrington for being generally awesome!!
4. wicked_jade for fulfilling my fluffy fantasies, finally (and creating awesome OC's)
5. pirate4evrnavy2 who regularly fills my inbox with roleplaying goodness. And will probably hunt me down and kill me if I don't post on SoS, soon.
6. aiyanarachel because she is my oNion, and will always make my day
7. joyful_molly for also being generally awesome, and delighting me with good ST x-overness, recently
8. life_of_amesu for providing rants! Fresh weekly! (Or so)
9. the_red_seal Ha. I is cheat. For providing Naps/Wells slash.
10. Anyone who has ever written a fic I liked. And Elessil, who is not on my flist, but is an amazing artist. And ThebanBand. Who can't like ThebanBand. And Menengroth, who is also an amazing artist. Heck, anyone who can draw, basically.

If you are tagged in this, go ahead and broadcast your own top 10!!


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