im over and done with this shit and im about ready to quit and move on. ive tried to make things right but it always goes back to the way they have been lately.
i hate what we all have become and i hate that we are losing touch our senior year. doubt ill be going to homecoming with you guys. bye.
im jealous and i shouldnt be. i was my choice to not go there and now i wish i had, kinda. but why so fast, why do you have to move so fast? it makes me feel like was nothing.
but maybe that was how i made you feel. im sorry. i can feel it now. i can see it now. lifes not fair. its to complicated. i wish things were written in black and
being sick is no fun...and sadly, but true, neither is missing the first day back to school after spring break. i miss all my friends, but at least i get to see them tommorow.