So I'm really considering doing another conversion for my legacy documents. The current chapter I'm working on has changed its format. Instead of having the cover page be the faded background picture, I'm going with just a plain background color. I'm also changing the font to straight up Ariel. My first couple of generations (right up until the middle of Zane's BC) had it where the picture was on the side with the text in a column. Long story short, my chapters are an inconsistent mess in regards to their format and I want to unify them.
Besides, because Slideshare sucks Super Donkicorn balls, I want to find a new hosting site, and some of the ones I'm looking at don't accept the PDF format and I've, unfortunately, deleted a lot of the ODF (Open Office version of PPT) files. So if I'm going to upload to those sites, I need to redo them anyway. BUT, after poking around with my very first chapter, I realized that it was going to be a huge process; a process that I really don't want to get into until I've finished this chapter-especially since I only have two more scenes to film.
Anyway, as I was looking at the pictures from my first chapter, I laughed.
Look at this picture and then compare it to...
Granted, when I first started, I was using the in game camera and my computer wasn't anywhere NEAR as powerful as my current one is. Back then, everything was set on medium settings with, probably, high settings for the Sims themselves. Now I run the game with everything turned up to maximum, I use a print screen program, and my pictures are in PNG format. Which is why I'm super pissed about Slideshare degrading my picture quality.
All of this has gotten me to thinking about how much I've learned over the last four years which really goes above and beyond just filming skills. I started going through all my pictures and putting together a huge thing...then I realized that it was going to take a long time to get my thoughts together and I have decided to put that off until after my next chapter.
Ugh. I have A LOT of things I want to talk about after my next chapter. Hopefully I'll get around to it. Like a huge Rhys and Eden Meta that's been percolating for the last year or so.
ANYWAY. Yeah. I thought you guys might laugh a little bit over the picture quality like I did, so I thought I'd share.