Today I had not one, but TWO dreams about Rhys Fitzhugh (I'm a very pregnant woman, so I take naps throughout the day). Anyway, they weren't those type of dreams (if you know what I mean). No. They were of Rhys sitting there talking about how I need to start paying attention to him again.
No lie.
Not only was it disturbing, but it made me feel guilty (which I'm sure was the intent). *shakes head* Oh well. Someday.
On the baby front: apparently Monday will be the day I go into labor as my doctor has decided that I needed to be induced (if I don't have the baby before then of course). There have been some health issues that cropped up (mainly a Preeclampsia scare) and I get the impression that even though all the tests they did came back negative, the numbers were probably on the high end of negative. Abnormal blood pressure spikes, rapid weight gain, the fact that you can press on my leg and it will leave a dent for a while are all part of this. Lilly is fine and she'll be within the six pound range (ultra sound last Friday said she weighed 6.15 pounds). So everything is all good. And I'll be relieved to be able to have my body back and have all these discomforts go away *\o/*
That's about it. Just thought I'd share :)