I asked. Mom delivered.
1) Comment to this and I will give you 3 people.
2) Post this meme with your answers.
3) Provide pictures and the names of the 3 people I gave you.
4) Label which you would marry, shag, and throw off a cliff.
I was given Brooklyn, Broadway, and Goliath from Disney's Gargoyles.
None of them are human. Mom, you're one sick puppy.
Broadway's just a sweet guy. When Elisa leaves with Bronx and Goliath on the World Tour, Broadway's the one who goes to her apartment and realizing Elisa's AWOL takes her cat back home to care for it. When Goliath and Company return from the World Tour he's really happy to see Elisa and when he meets Angela? oh ho ho!
"I'm Broadway. This is Lexington and that's Brooklyn. And these are for you," he says as he hands her a box of chocolates. LOL, half empty as Brooklyn snidely points out because Broadway, "didn't know she was coming."
And the Broadway sweet just continues.
Plus, a hubby who's a great cook? Sign me up!
I squee over the hot, dark, troubled ones. Provided they've a touch of snark.
Brooklyn totally engaged and fascinated me for years in my adolescence. He's still pretty funny. Totally shaggable.
But not marriage material. He's really got a cruel streak. Not what you take home to Thanksgiving dinner, but good for a shag.
Throw Off A Cliff
I wondered how to manage throwing
Goliath off a cliff with out him gliding safely off and then I remembered, HUMANIZE HIM!
Why Goliath needs to be thrown off a cliff:
- "Let's split up, gang, and look for clues!" in first episodes. Way to get the home team slaughtered. Or stoned.
- Communication failures galore. (Demona, asking her nonjudgementally what's up her butt. Angela, information about her biological origins. Elisa, moving out of the castle and into the police tower for safety sake. I could go on...)
- Gullible. Demona, McBeth, Xanatos... Heaven help him when he gets a bank account and email. "HELLO I AM NIGERIAN PRINCE AND WILL GIVE YOU MONEY IN EXCHANGE FOR HOUSING MY MONEY IN YOUR BANK ACCOUNT!"
- Thailog as "his son". No, you dumb ignorant medieval hick. Thailog, as your clone, is your identical twin. NOT your "son".
- Emo practical suicide attempt. So you're just going to entrust your entire clan's genetic future in to the hands of two people who not 24 hours ago would have LOLed at your curbstompage? HOW IS THIS IN ANYWAY A GOOD IDEA?
- Everything in the Gargoyles comic sequel. Absolutely everything.
And now, damnit, I *really* wanna go read some good Gargfic. Because god knows I've seen
the show often enough. XD