jen.. im alwayds scared to wwalk across the lawn to ur room. if u haevnt noticed... and its even more scarier when we r on shrooms!! lol!!!! aye aye yae. come over pleeezzeeeeeeee im DESPERATE FOR U LOVIN
Dude I saw the Faculty in 8th grade or something, and to get in a friend and I had to buy tickets to that shitty Christmas movie "Jack Frost" - the serious one, for little kids, not the amusing horror movie spin-off - and then we snuck in. The friend's mom found out and called my dad. He got a little bit CATHOLIC about it but thought it was stupid that she'd called. But it scared me, too!
Comments 6
ahh! and it makes me laugh!
Your scared in my room too.
You always hear somthing that not there.
But it scared me, too!
I was shutting my eyes Half the time.
My scaryness tollerance is very low.
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