Ok, so on our random driving trips around east bumblefuck. We (as in Kristen, Vinny, Leigh, and I (Ohh check out the proper english (Woah, Bracket inside bracket inside bracket))) decided that MTV should give me a shitload of money and put me in a car with one random person for a period of a week. It'll kinda be like that Boiling Point show, ONLY SO MUCH BETTER! Like I could do all kinds of fun stuff to people and it'd be the FUNNIEST show ever. WHY? Because of me silly goose. Yeah I'm one cocky bastard. (Hah, cock)
Anyways, my car stereo is back, horrah. I made my "Waste a whole fucking day with Nine Inch Nails" CD. I think it in total is over a day. SWEETNESS.
Anyways, go eat a hotdog.