Jul 21, 2005 20:39
Government officials need to stop bitching about video games.
Jul 19, 2005 20:14
So I was almost killed today in the lightening storm stop.
I tasted the electricity as the kiddy pool was hit by lightening stop.
Then it hailed stop.
Fun times stop.
Scared still stop.
Send help stop.
Jul 16, 2005 20:41
How the hell is buying $60 tickets and selling them for over $200 a piece legal? FUCKING AMERICA!
Jun 30, 2005 00:15
Thanks to the asian asshole for scaring the bajesus outta me. Next time try driving with your eyes open. Grrr....
Jun 23, 2005 01:16
Grr...Fuck Vinny for ruining my picture. That's the last time I EVER tell anyone about my good pictures. I'm going to stick to the fun of making shit that no one else can do.
Piss Me Off