
Jul 06, 2005 00:18

I feel so lonely. I wish my sister were home. I wish I didn't have to worry about getting into a respectable college. I love my mom, but she gets on my nerves so easily. I just want to get away, for a long time, then come back when I'm ready. I miss nay, tegan and olivia....they're all so busy, including myself, so its hard to get the time I ( Read more... )

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Comments 5

josem561 July 5 2005, 21:53:08 UTC
don't worry grl ur smart, talented and hot u kind of have it all. srry ur lonely i'm lonely too. hey friday lets go out to coco walk with some friends huh i'll call u. Peace and Love and relax life gives good things to good people so u know.


freakdoorsfan July 5 2005, 22:07:45 UTC
i feel like that. lonely as hell. i haven't done anything for school and i feel completely abandoned almost. this has been the worst summer in recent memory. if i were to go away for a long time it would take me a long time to come back. let's run away. we could be irrational and emotional and free and at least we'd have each other.


rhymeswithliz July 6 2005, 05:36:55 UTC
So apparently we're both lonely. You should come to the beach with me. And then you wouldn't be lonely anymore. And neither would I. Fundamentally, we'd still be alone, but temporarily, we could entertain each other.


5unshine1nabag July 6 2005, 06:31:03 UTC
damn, were all lonely. this sux. lets embrace.


heslikenirvana July 7 2005, 11:02:46 UTC
^^^ Yeah dude, looks like you're not alone in being alone...

I wish I didn't have to worry about getting into a respectable college.

Probably more serious for you, because of the whole age thing, but--yeah. Agreed.

I love my mom, but she gets on my nerves so easily.

I feel you.


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