Present is the enemy of future

May 04, 2023 21:17

But how can they be. After all they both never meet, future is inevitable and future can't get rid of present either. Man, this title is so illogical and absurd that no one should read any further.

And yet here you are. Reading on.

We call children our future. Every thing we do, irrespective of how right or wrong it is, we blatantly use the excuse of doing it for kids. But are we really doing it for them or anyone else apart from self? Most of our decisions and resulting actions are driven by our convenience, our lust and our ego. Because if we were conscious about future then we would be definitely be judicious of our actions knowing and believing that our actions would be the foundations for the future. We would abandon being radicals in favor of becoming natural. Wait, how are we radical? Just think about it. If life and living of all takes backseat in your scheme of things and your way of living then surely you are subscribed to a radical way of life in a very subconscious manner. Why else would you accept the economic models that freely allows someone to poison our air, our water, our soil and our minds?! The weird thing is, we allowed all this stating that all of this is helping create employment and work for human population. So we justify the sickening industries to grow under the guise of how it helps economic growth of everyone. None of this is justifiable and yet none of us, in whole of our collective intelligence, can think of a way to change the course of our journey to self destruction just by changing the economic models in place. We have created a trap for ourselves while handing over the keys to a select few without ever questioning our and their intents even for a moment. If present was the true guardian of future, we would have focused on how everything we did and we do, goes in helping life and living of all humans and all species on earth. Until that changes, present has always been and shall remain enemy of the future. No point cribbing that things are going from bad to worse, especially if you are one of the torch bearer atop the dynamite heap.

thoughts, random

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