We've been having just the BEST weekend . . .
Well, I must say that Hutch sets a lovely table . . .
There were peeps and peeps and lamb and ham and wine and chocolate . . .
It was good.
She is good.
We are lucky.
Plus, it was 70 degrees outside . . . so our view was this . . .
no buds or blooms yet, except for in the house . . .
I did miss my family, but not the rigorous church-going that usually started at 6am for the sunrise service and ended at the noon service, where my father the pipe organist used to "accidentally" tap a foot pedal, signalling to the minister that it was time for Easter dinner!
Now off to do my duty with the Me and Thee100 peeps drabbles - don't want dips sistah to send Starsky northwards for some "conversating . . ."
Happy Spring, y'all . . .