Title: Moving On
Rating: PG-13
Summary: This is a short little QAF ficlet inspired by something in the recently released season 5 promo. Although I’m spoiler free, I do watch promos because I think of them more like teasers than spoilers, but if you are completely spoiler pure you might want to stay away.
Thanks to the lovely and talented
vedaprophet for the
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Comments 62
"I'll tell you exactly what's going to happen. I'll get to the loft and he'll ask me what the fuck I'm doing there. I'll tell him that I live there. He'll make some comment about my living in L.A. now, and I'll remind him that's just temporary. Then he'll try to throw me out. I'll tell him he's acting like an asshole and he should just get over himself. After that, we'll spend the rest of the weekend fucking."
Hee! Yep! *runs off to rec this loverly ficlet* ♥
You were a great beta
*blushes* *chokes up* Glad I could help! *sniffle* LOL! ♥ ♥
That boy will go far in life. You've taught him well, Mr. Kinney. Now, calm down and enjoy the fruits of your labor. We certainly do. xoxo
You have made my day! Thank you! This was so fun to read and absolutely brilliantly true. *drifts away happy*
PS You should write more stories. You're good at them.
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