I am uber mad. The Boyfriend just left to go see his mom and sister who are visiting for the week, and beforehand we had a fight. No, fight isn't the right word for what we did. I got mad then he brooded for 2 hours. Yes. That's more accurate.
I hate that he makes me feel guilty for having hurt feelings over the oh-so-recent breakup. Like I am the one causing problems (he's obviously forgotten that he up and broke my heart about a week ago). As far as I am concerned, I should be able to rant and rave for months without hearing anything but apologies come out of his mouth. Instead I feel like a bad person.
And the way he does this all is so subtle! You don't even think you're being played until afterward. Then you realize that he has taken a situation and completely turned it against you and you are suddenly the bad guy.
Maybe he is a sociopath. I should look in to that. It would explain a lot.
The kid isn't trying nearly as hard as he should be. He didn't even TRY to fix the above situation; he had to wait until I broached the topic. Why am I the one making all the effort? I feel like I'm taking CRAZY PILLS!!!
To top it all off, I now regret that I told him about my lj. It makes me self-conscious about what I write when I originally viewed this thing as an ingenious way to blow off steam. Oh well, fuck it. I write what I want. Besides, he knows all this already so it's really not worth my effort to set up a new SECRET lj just to get it off my chest. And Lord knows I need to. I think if I didn't take a step back and do this I would end up cowed and depressed. I would think I was doing everything wrong while he remained the perfect angel. Fuck that. He broke it. He should fix it. Atleast, that's my view of the entire situation.
Plus I've been defending him to all my enraged friends for the past week. For what? Why do I do this? He is responsible for proving himself, not me. And if he wants to lay back and let me do all the work, then he is about to be sorely disappointed. I've worked enough. The ball is in his court now.
Suffice it to say that I am very displeased with the situation I now find myself in. Yes, yes, you all "told me so". Congratulations: go throw yourselves a damn fiesta.