do you get your tingles? fuck my tingles!

Apr 21, 2006 00:17

a name. a number. a date.
decisions decisions
having to decide in the first place is a default "no" so that's what i'm going with


i got into University of Sydney :D wheeeee beeach HERE I COME
my original housing plans fell through= i have to find new housing -> tripling the amt. of rent orginally budgeted for -> rethinking all the money -> STRESS STRESS STRESS RAWR

how do you do that ... posting a video thing? El Guatalupues
A birthday caking video :D
i'd post some pictures... but i'm lazy -_-

i'm not good at establishing relationships w/ my professors :(
but i've managed to get Dr. Stivachtis to like me :D :D he think's i'm strange though ... i can just tell :x

yesterday there was a protest b/c Prof. Clement wasn't offered tenure here
students gathered at Major Williams and then marched on Burress

Prof. Clement is known for being a passionate, opinionated prof
that is very good at passing knowledge onto his students
I tried to get him at the start of this semester but couldn't b/c he would only force add graduating seniors
there are like 10 pepople standing around the room b/c all the seat were filled - everyone trying to get into his class

Many thought he wasn't offered tenure b/c he's black
some said it's b/c he's too politically active therefore too contriversal

The college claims that he didn't publish enough
To receive tenure a prof must be able to establish a nationwide reputation for himself
as a research university it is more important for peo. to publish than to teach

i dont' think we'll ever know all the crazy politics that were played w/in the PSCI deparment
but it's a shame
because the school is loosing one of the best teachers in the depart :(

as much as i <3 tech it's kind of... exhasperating
this RESEARCH RESEARCH RESEARCH over teaching emphasis

students stroke the tutition checks in hopes of becoming educated
i don't care what kind of reputation a prof has
if he can't teach then he CAN'T TEACH gaaaaah
so frustrating
in a few yrs i'm going to be able to say i studied under
but if i can't perform and i dont' know shit
that does not really help me much
and yeah
we learn on our own and we take the initiative
but a great prof makes worlds of difference

the disadvantages of big name research institutes :p

f'ing gah

and it's not just our PSCI department
it's all of them
completely dedicated to the students
but he's still "staff" >.<

makes me want to transfer to A small liberal arts school

i need sleep
i haven't slept
there ahve been papers
and i'm dumb as shit
because it still feels like pulling teeth whenever i write anything
so stupid
must sleep

oh yeah
the parking system here
the injustice of it all
that will be saved for next time
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