"hunger is the #1 reason diets fail."
hahahahaha yeeeah i'd assume so
don't let this be the end of us
before lovers
you and i were friends
i freakin love that song
yes i am still singing it
job hunting and house hunting = bllllllllllllaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
i think of you all the time because on my way to school / whenever i go into CBD i see this:
I know you check this religiously <3 MUAHAHAHA DOWN WITH XANGA!
Anywhos missy i hope your reunion w/ the bf was :D and <3 without the >:[
The radio was on during ceramics & the run it song came on
i had a huge stupid grin on my face throughout the entire 4 minutes of the song & i wanted to do our dance
i decided against it because i was in the middle of making a cup/ bowl
which turned out to be a waste b/c i forgot to cover all the stuff i made during that 3 hr class
so everything probably became shirveled and died (bleck) i remembered when i was trying to sleep
it was one of those .75 asleep & then suddenly sit straight up "FUUUCK" situations
i dont' remember if we have these in the usa. but if we do i haven't noticed it. the 'walk' and 'don't walk' buttons make noise. they go 'boop boop boop boop' CONSTANTLY and it turns into a fast paced 'doodoodoodoodoo' when you can walk
it's good because they you don't have to stare across the road at the light and also because sometimes i don't look when i'm crossing the street and the 'boop boop boop' tells me that i can't go and it's good because i always look the wrong way - now you don't have to worry about me getting run over
this helps too:
why the rest of oz needs that is beyond me
everyone calls trash 'rubbish' which is remincent of heather & pretty much our entire summer.
speaking of heath: i am
instead of 3am torg ->
if you were here we'd have to go here:
bathrooms are always refered to as 'toilets' here. instead of restroom or i don't know... conservatory :p the actual toilets here have 1/2 flush & full flush options. they are very water conscious. i thought that would interest you. because you know. pooping.
in my acct tutorial (aka recitation) my 30 yr old woman TA goes - in an EXTREMELY thick indian accent -
"i'm veddy bat wid nemes.da ash-ians. you all luk da sem ant your nemes all sount da sem"
that was: i'm very bad with names. the asians. you all look the same and your names all sound the same
the chinese guy next to me scoffed; i was more amused than offended
classes start at 9am instead of 8am <3
tv: they have australian idol o_O
i miss the colbert report :[
the weather here has picked up a lot :D it's not raining all the time and it's not as cold during the day it's warm enough to go out in a light jumper :) although there was a CRAZY hail storm on tuesday
i was in my room reading Portrait of a Lady and i start hearing pounding BANG BANG BANG BANG
the ice balls were the size of those balls in Roommate's oriental mix or... hmmm oh whoopers (called 'maltzers' here)
i felt bad for car owners
it lasted a good 15 mins
i heard that Victoria park was all white & it looked like it had snowed & people took their boogie boards and tried to slip and slide all around
it was weird b/c earlier that day i had been in a tshirt
do you hate that i don't use punctuation when i write?
sorry this was so scattered and choppy
i am kind of in an abrupt mood today
pumpkin muffins, persimons, handholds (but there is an airpocket)
lots and lots of transworld love,
postscript: play with me?