not unless you're willing to run away with me.

Sep 20, 2006 02:43

today i spent the afternoon with Jane, a chinese international student
she spent 3 hrs talking about Mike
i spent three hours wondering/remembering why i hate people and trying to think of a good excuse to shed her presence like a snake sheds its skin -ew terrible mental image-

jane is 20
she still says things like 'if he liked-a me then he would have text me back-a'
'i wish-a he give me his personal email address instead of his uni email address.'
'if-a he lika me he would talk more and ask-a me questions'
'he sat next to me in class, you think it's a sign?'
'i doesn't know why i lik-a him so much-a but-a ohhhh i just do waaaaaah'
'no-wah he's-a not-a cuuuute and not-a good at-a study gah i hate-a z-hat'

she continues to ramble about how they have talked a total of 3 times (10 min per meeting)
her review of each session runs for 45min
she says she is desperate for a boyfriend

we hit the 3.5 hr mark and i have not been able to shake her

"jane, i have to stop by my house before my next class"
"oh. i come-a wit you. no problem."
"i have to put away laundry..."
"ahhh no problem no problem"
" ...... (-.-)' ........ ok...."

she begins on her ex-bfs
'ahhh yeaaaa when i have boyfriend i love hem very much-a. i always do everything for hem. lik-a when i date a boy went to france study i stay up all night so i talk to hem on msn. then i don't stay awake in class. but-a he not call me everyday. so. he don't love-a me. i decide i not going to marry hem....'

not really related

pet peeve.
i hate when people throw around "love"
i dont' mean in that 'i love ice cream' way because everyone knows that you don't really LOVE ice cream-most of the time.

i mean in the 'omg... I LOVE YOU... you are my life's driving force ' way
and then 'oh btw, i dont' want to you see you for a month... and i kind of feel like sexing one of my exgfs...BUT I STILL LOVE YOU OH SO MUCH'

errrrrrrrrrrr. OKAY.

the weirdest part is the person says things like 'i love you ... oh you are upset? well... i dont' feel like talking now...maybe tomorrow...." honestly believes they love the other person.

what is that?!
explainations seem to be : they are messed up inside. or they love in their own way.

could it be that they don't know what love is? perhaps love has been confused with infatuation/ obsession/ passion? or they dont' knwo how to love?

i refuse to believe that there is love because "I LOVE YOU" has been repeated over and over and over
words are empty without supporting actions

maybe you just care a lot.

i've been called idealistic on more than one occassion.
i'll openly admit that i want the fairytale/ love song/ sappy romantic comedy endings. I am guilty of wanting something that could come out of a movie

i'm NOT sorry. i'm not sorry that i want someone who would never let me go
or that i want someone who wouldn't ever cheat ( and not because it's wrong, but because the desire is simply not there).
i wnat someone i can't live without and vice versa
i want to hold hands ALLLLLLL the time.
and i want rocks against my window and seranades at 3:30am- i want corny love songs to mean something
i want someone who wants to be with me almost all the time but allows for independence and has a life of his own
i want someone who would never lie.
someone that helps be grow
& willing to dance with me in the rain, a club, the middle of a street, a mountain top or field, my room, etc etc
someone that wants the empathtic parts of me, the selfish parts of me, the rotten and the good parts
i want someone that makes me laugh everyday and i want undying passion.
tingles. lots of tingles.
i want someone that makes this want list completely irrelvent.

and fuck all of the people who think that it's completely irrational and stupid because WHO DOESN'T WANT THAT? REALLY, HONESTLY! WHO DOES NOT WANT THAT? who the hell wants to settle for anything less?

it's not that i'm saying a relationship like that doesn't come with its share of problems, fights, hardtimes, obstacles, struggles.

but i really dont' think it's too much to ask for someone that would never give up on you

i don't think there is love without self sacrific
it's one of my rules
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